V Voltumna Mongoose Mar 1, 2006 #1 Do penalties to hit like from Combat Expertise, also penalize your opposed checks for grapple and similar attacks?
Do penalties to hit like from Combat Expertise, also penalize your opposed checks for grapple and similar attacks?
A Auggie Mongoose Mar 1, 2006 #2 Off the top of my head, I'd say no. Those checks are free actions, correct?
sbarrie Mongoose Mar 2, 2006 #4 By the rules, yes it does. I've houseruled that your penalty when using Combat Expertice does not hinder your opposed rule to resist Sundering or Disarming.
By the rules, yes it does. I've houseruled that your penalty when using Combat Expertice does not hinder your opposed rule to resist Sundering or Disarming.