Actually Mythos they are past the monkey stage. There are to my knowledge over 10 "reported" human patients that are "wired". The patients were completely paralyzed due to various accidents. The doctors, according to the press releases, wire copper into the brain, and then record and map the patients neural patterns. Once mapped, they can program systems to interact with the human brain.
On what level, you ask? The patients now control Television by direct thought, can "talk" to people via computer screens where they mentally type the letters. This is CURRENT TECH.
So lets cybernet it. . . Take that technology, advance it a bit. . .
Possibility: Inplanted chips have been programed to REPLACE the brain now that neural patterns and workings have been mapped. Thus corporations can map and implant someone, let them go through there life (IE: get a job at a rival corp), then when you need them to do ANYTHING, you take over control of that body via remote control, have them perform what ever tasks you need, they can't stop you. Make it a Clone with a predefined neural pattern, a standard chip. AI controling them via WI-FI tech, and you have living . . . what Biodroids? Zombies? Growing an army cheaper than building one?
Possibility: Using a type of external amplifier, the technology could record neural patterns, or see neural patterns, in a real time system. Thus someone with said technology, would become a limited telepath. You could see him think, pull the trigger. You could see someone remember a dream / memory about a red dress, or you could see what they are thinking, real time. Like a pumped up braindance unit, with live feeds from everyone you point the gadget at.
Possibility: Wire a chip that only looks for certain neural patterns, ie kill, rape, destroy, steal. When the brain attempts to perform that type of action the chip cancels the signal to the body. Thought police anyone? Punishment chips anyone? do it once we put a chip in ya, you will never do it again.
Okay, enough dark future for today, I got to get back to work for my Corp, before they chip me for surfing the net at work.