i'm running the second half of Mr. Bubbles tonight (from Marco-G's introduction on), and i need some help. i'm not sure what to do with my players. i've had to pull so many punches so far it's not even funny. i've got an attention whore Happiness officer who can't go ten seconds without a sing-along or a drug administration to get perversity, a team leader who seems to get the general gist (he managed to convince the equipment guy that they were a scrubbot, causing them to beat themselves to death with a broom) but he just won't stop rushing in to his doom, no matter how many times i kill him. my C&R officer just sits there pantomiming the camera, and my loyalty and hygiene officers are rampant power gamers who just get more and more pissy every time one of their brilliant strategic plans doesn't work out. we're all newbs, and i was forced to run a week ahead of schedule due to a mishap with one of our other GMs, so that had a lot to do with it. we're all veteran gamers, so the key problem here is the desire to be good little scouts. do you guys have any good techniques of breaking these guys of old habits?