New to Traveller? Characteristics Explained!

Rather transparent attempt to get traffic for your own site/business?
[ And if you must use cheap AI image generators at least make sure they have the right number of fingers, although that might help explain different DEX scores :p. ]
Rather transparent attempt to get traffic for your own site/business?
[ And if you must use cheap AI image generators at least make sure they have the right number of fingers, although that might help explain different DEX scores :p. ]
LOL is it?

Part of a series actually - my channel is FILLED with Traveller content.

You think that's bad? You'll hate my blog!

And you'll DEFINITELY hate the event I'm hosting.

..and I'm sure you won't want to subscribe to my channel, so avoid links that look like this:
Subscribe for more Traveller RPG tips:
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dude- is counting fingers on thumbnails a new pastime of yours?
Maybe you should count again?
Yes, you're very clever at spotting AI images - well done!
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Sorry guys, I can't really relate.
When I see an image of a sci-fi scene I never think it's real.
To be fair, that image is obviously a digital image that looks more like a painting than a photo.
Uncanny Valley is triggered at different levels in different people. It's a kind of "eye of the beholder" thing.