new lone wolf novels

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This may be getting off topic for a little bit but I am really hopping some new lone wolf novels will come out some time soon. With the new info presented in the lone wolf rpg there is plenty of material for new books to be written. I figured it could either be a prequal the the orginal lone wolf story line. If anyone has heard anything about such a thing being done the let us know.
Last thing I heard was Joe Dever was going to look for another publisher. That was pre-Project Aon, though. One thing that always interested me about that was how he didn't give them the rights to the later books, as if he was intending on having them reprinted...

I'm just wondering if Mongoose's resources stretch to printing little paperbacks rather than large-format RPG books :)
(This is just heavy speculation on my part, please don't read anything into it)
mthomason said:
Last thing I heard was Joe Dever was going to look for another publisher. That was pre-Project Aon, though. One thing that always interested me about that was how he didn't give them the rights to the later books, as if he was intending on having them reprinted...

I'm just wondering if Mongoose's resources stretch to printing little paperbacks rather than large-format RPG books :)
(This is just heavy speculation on my part, please don't read anything into it)

What an interesting idea. Most of the eight existing books just need a reprint. Maybe if they did OK Joe could produce the last four or make the scripts available to Mongoose to finish of the series. :roll:
And even if not, there's always the option of sending the manuscripts to a Print-on-Demand publisher. Doesn't cost a penny, and they'll run off individual copies whenever someone orders one. The only downside it that it costs a bit more for the end buyer, but we're only talking like a tenner a copy (if that)... nothing near as much as the prices it costs to get a second hand one from Amazon or eBay :)
Wannabe Drakkar said:
is that an AMERICAN tenner? noones that rich! :P

£10, so around $20 - still a heck of a lot cheaper than hunting for £75/$150 rare books on eBay :)

And I think its probably closer to £7.50/$15, but I don't have my POD prices handy right now.