New Adventure from Dr Skull "Bones of Gorlak"


There is a new adventure module up for download at Dr Skull's Conan cult. It's called "The Bones of Gorlak" and is meant for levels 4-6 or thereabouts. The module download page is:

You do good work, DS, I love your alt rules and find them similar to mine. I look forward to checking out your latest adventure!

I've downloaded all the modules so far, and just wanted to add my thanks to the others....great stuff, Doc. Keep up the good work :D

ratinox said:
I've downloaded all the modules so far, and just wanted to add my thanks to the others....great stuff, Doc. Keep up the good work :D



Doc, I owe you a couple pints at least (or whatever). Should your skull appear 'round Brussels, let me know!
As one of Dr. Skull's players, I enjoy reading how other groups of players faced nearly the same challenges. I know for a fact that they tickle the good doctor. Keep sending in adventure logs!

Do you all read our adventure logs before trying out a Dr. Skull adventure? Do you ever have any questions?
I've read your groups adventure logs. The adventures are great, but they leave enough open to add in individual flavor. We finished the Lost Garrison last night. My player's took me by surprise at the climax. Let's just say "Hell no, we're out of here" was one of the comments. Picture a mixed group of adventurers and Turanians flogging their horses and fleeing from the area of the monolith.