One of my players is playing a Zembebwean priest of Dagon. In discussion with this player, we have decided that he is in fact a son of Derketo (carried and birthed by one of the temple prostitutes).
Although we have yet to develop a full explanation for this, a brief summary of the background and effects is that this occurs only very rarely (perhaps once every few generations). The True Child of Derketo is ageless. Ragu (the PC), being a new Child of Derketo is doomed to lead a mortal life and die, unless he can find and kill the current True Child of Derketo.
Anyway, the background aside, I am looking for some feedback on the mechanical effects we have settled on for the Child of Derketo template.
- +2 Con, +2 Cha.
- +2 to Magical Attack rolls for spells of the Nature Magic sorcery style.
- +2 Power Points.
- May learn spells from the Divination, Counterspells and Nature Magic sorcery styles without requiring a Knowledge (arcana) check.
- Gains all the effects of the Priest feat.
- Favoured Class becomes Scholar.
- Amazing sexual prowess.
- Any woman who sleeps with a Child of Derketo will become pregnant, carry safely to full term and bear a healthy child.
- ECL +1
Feeback welcome, mainly with regard to the mechanics. I certainly don't think this is an ECL +2 template, but it may be slightly more powerful than a typical ECL +1.
Although we have yet to develop a full explanation for this, a brief summary of the background and effects is that this occurs only very rarely (perhaps once every few generations). The True Child of Derketo is ageless. Ragu (the PC), being a new Child of Derketo is doomed to lead a mortal life and die, unless he can find and kill the current True Child of Derketo.
Anyway, the background aside, I am looking for some feedback on the mechanical effects we have settled on for the Child of Derketo template.
- +2 Con, +2 Cha.
- +2 to Magical Attack rolls for spells of the Nature Magic sorcery style.
- +2 Power Points.
- May learn spells from the Divination, Counterspells and Nature Magic sorcery styles without requiring a Knowledge (arcana) check.
- Gains all the effects of the Priest feat.
- Favoured Class becomes Scholar.
- Amazing sexual prowess.
- Any woman who sleeps with a Child of Derketo will become pregnant, carry safely to full term and bear a healthy child.
- ECL +1
Feeback welcome, mainly with regard to the mechanics. I certainly don't think this is an ECL +2 template, but it may be slightly more powerful than a typical ECL +1.