The finesse section does not address natural DR, but I do wonder whether one can finesse attack around natural DR. Thoughts? I seem to recall in the Conan RPG a mention that natural DR is treated as armor though. If anyone can point out a cite, I would appreciate it.
To The Hilt says it must be against an unarmored foe, but again, does not directly address natural DR. The cite I mentioned above might be useful here as well. Also, there was a previous thread (Jan 06) on this, but didn't seem to achieve resolution. Any new thoughts on whether this works on creatures with DR? It seems one should be able use To The Hilt on a horse, but horses have DR 2, but I can see the flip side argument that one shouldn't be able to use it on a stone golem maybe.
To The Hilt says it must be against an unarmored foe, but again, does not directly address natural DR. The cite I mentioned above might be useful here as well. Also, there was a previous thread (Jan 06) on this, but didn't seem to achieve resolution. Any new thoughts on whether this works on creatures with DR? It seems one should be able use To The Hilt on a horse, but horses have DR 2, but I can see the flip side argument that one shouldn't be able to use it on a stone golem maybe.