Narn Warriors - did anyone notice...


...the weapons they are armed with?

Katoc swords (that's OK by the way), Darzi Push Daggers (well, if they really want to...)and EA-style PPG Pistols & Rifles!!! (and that makes them unusable as "Narn Warriors" in my book - good as Narns working B5 Security though, or as "Narn Privateers"...)

I really would have liked to have some Narn soldiers armed with Narn guns, like the PPG pistol we saw on the show (you know, the blocky thing used at least twice IIRC - once by a unnamed Narn rioting, and once by G'Kar rtesisting Centauri arrest, go here for a picture)
True Frobi, but the Narn did buy weapons from Human arms dealers during their war of retribution, so it's not impossible for a Narn to be carrying an EA PPG.

True Frobi, but the Narn did buy weapons from Human arms dealers during their war of retribution, so it's not impossible for a Narn to be carrying an EA PPG.
Not impossible - yes. Read my initial post - Narn Pirates, Privateers, Adventurers and Warriors working Security on B5 after mid-2260 could be armed with EA-style PPG's. But Narn Soldiers would use narn-made PPG's (and even if they were not as good as EA made PPG's - it's a matter of pride, and pride is something Narns have in large quantity)