Here are a few houserules I have for Starship combat. Tell me what you think and how you do things.
1. Automatic Criticals. I don't just have criticals occuring only when a "Critical Hit" occurs. What I do is I take the ships Hit points and divide by 10. I call it the critical hit threshold. Then, every time a ship takes its threshold in damage, a level of critical occurs. I'll give an example.
Let's say we are looking at a Hyperion. It has 500 hp, so its critical hit threshold is 50 (500/10). So let's say it gets hit for an even 200 points of damage in one hit. For every 50 hit points it suffers it also takes a critical hit, so in this case it has suffered 4 levels of criticals. I then roll a d6 and compare it against the chart. That area then takes 4 levels of criticals.
Now, what happens if you also do a "Critical Hit" to a ship. Use the standard rules, just roll for a seperate location.
2. Less then 0 hitpoints. Take a ships HP and divide by 10. This is how far below 0 in hitpoints a ship can go before it is destroyed. I felt that all ships going to -10 to be destroyed did not reflect a ships overall hull and size. So a hyperion in my game can go to negative 50 hp before it is destroyed utterly. 0 still means it becomes inoperable.
3. Weapon Damage in hyperspace. I don't know if there is a rule about damage that ships do to other ships in hyperspace, so I came up with a rule that the threat range of all weapons is doubled. Is there a rule somewhere that i've missed?
What do you guys think? Comments? What do you guys do?
1. Automatic Criticals. I don't just have criticals occuring only when a "Critical Hit" occurs. What I do is I take the ships Hit points and divide by 10. I call it the critical hit threshold. Then, every time a ship takes its threshold in damage, a level of critical occurs. I'll give an example.
Let's say we are looking at a Hyperion. It has 500 hp, so its critical hit threshold is 50 (500/10). So let's say it gets hit for an even 200 points of damage in one hit. For every 50 hit points it suffers it also takes a critical hit, so in this case it has suffered 4 levels of criticals. I then roll a d6 and compare it against the chart. That area then takes 4 levels of criticals.
Now, what happens if you also do a "Critical Hit" to a ship. Use the standard rules, just roll for a seperate location.
2. Less then 0 hitpoints. Take a ships HP and divide by 10. This is how far below 0 in hitpoints a ship can go before it is destroyed. I felt that all ships going to -10 to be destroyed did not reflect a ships overall hull and size. So a hyperion in my game can go to negative 50 hp before it is destroyed utterly. 0 still means it becomes inoperable.
3. Weapon Damage in hyperspace. I don't know if there is a rule about damage that ships do to other ships in hyperspace, so I came up with a rule that the threat range of all weapons is doubled. Is there a rule somewhere that i've missed?
What do you guys think? Comments? What do you guys do?