I must apologise on another behalf
I've been looking after a ill relative who defied odds worse then getting a couple of grand on the lotto by living but I've been unable to even look over this site since shortly after my 1st Uber Race post and learnt only 100 odd minutes ago that my younger brother has taken great fun, glee and pleasure is masquerading as me and completely ruining my once good name on this great site ran by great people by putting in my name complete and utter trash, garbage and BS. So from now on it'll only be stuff that I'm actually doing and not my brother trying to make me look as big a idiot as he. Again apologies on his behalf, hoping to post 100% accurate and honest stuff. Also tell me what I've missed over the last few years?. Please
I've been looking after a ill relative who defied odds worse then getting a couple of grand on the lotto by living but I've been unable to even look over this site since shortly after my 1st Uber Race post and learnt only 100 odd minutes ago that my younger brother has taken great fun, glee and pleasure is masquerading as me and completely ruining my once good name on this great site ran by great people by putting in my name complete and utter trash, garbage and BS. So from now on it'll only be stuff that I'm actually doing and not my brother trying to make me look as big a idiot as he. Again apologies on his behalf, hoping to post 100% accurate and honest stuff. Also tell me what I've missed over the last few years?. Please