[MRQ] Creature Skills - Quick question


Do the creature skills in the MRQ rulebook already have the armor penalties applied to them, or do you manually subtract that fromt he creatures skill % ?
Most creatures don't suffer penalty for their own hide.

As far as the intelligent ones go you can take it either way - as far as armour and such go they're only examples anyway. However, most, that I can see have already had their skill's deducted, though the Elves don't appear to have it deducted from weapon skills.
Halfbat said:
Most creatures don't suffer penalty for their own hide.

As far as the intelligent ones go you can take it either way - as far as armour and such go they're only examples anyway. However, most, that I can see have already had their skill's deducted, though the Elves don't appear to have it deducted from weapon skills.

How can you tell if they have already been deducted are not ?

Are you just adding up their base attriubutes to determine a skill number ? What about any bonus they have for being 'creatures' (similar to what a human would have for background/professsion/free skills) ?