more miniature releases?

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Alter the jaunary releases, are you going to release more miniatures? I would like to see specially Durenese troops, Knights of the White Mountain and special characters (lord Rhygar, lord Axim, captain D´Val ….).
I'd like to see some more stuff as well when the current releases are done. Death Knights, Border Rangers, Sommerlund Royal Guard, Giak Archers and Doomwolf riders and Characters Packs for MOM. a Kraan would be nice as well and some Akataz.........
The release boards only project a month ahead (otherwise all they would say is 'in production').

Don't panic :)
msprange said:
The release boards only project a month ahead (otherwise all they would say is 'in production').

Don't panic :)

I wasn't panicing, well go on a bit. I'm looking forward to seeing the previews of the next releases I got a bit of a look at the minis at the open day and they looked very nice I haven't seen the Doom Wolves or Crypt Spawn yet and I can't wait to see what they look like.
Doomwolf riders , Death Knights, Crypt Spawn .... and the good guys characters? (players need help¡¡)
Anonymous said:
Doomwolf riders , Death Knights, Crypt Spawn .... and the good guys characters? (players need help¡¡)

So what about a boxed set "Warriors Of Magnamund" £15 :?:

2 Sommerlending Knights
3 Border Rangers
3 Royal Guard
2 Toranese Archers

Sommelending Command Blister £5 :?:

1 Royal Guard Captain
1 Royal Guard Standard
So, you would like more generic miniatures? Better than characters from the books? Is anything planned about this? Which is Mongoose official plan?
arathar said:
So, you would like more generic miniatures? Better than characters from the books? Is anything planned about this? Which is Mongoose official plan?

I think more generic models are a safer bet! Lets say Mongoose do produce a miniatures based battle game. :D What time period are they going to set it in? It may be that they leave the time period wide open in which case there are other charcaters as well as the ones in the books. If they do concentrate on the books setting you only get one Kai. :?

They may well sell more packs of Generic models as people will buy multiple packs but once you have one model of a specific character you wont buy another. For example I will only buy one pack of each of the Character Packs but had Mongoose released each character as a three pack blister like the Kai I would have bought a pack of each and at least two packs of Sommelending Knights, Dwarven Gunners and Buccaneers Of Shadaki. As it is I would like to have at least six of each of these types but not if all of the models are exactly the same.

Don't get me wrong I would love to see Gaurd Captain D'Val, Rygar, Captain Kelman, Vonator..... I guess if there was a pack with these in I would buy them in a moment. Barraka, Zakhan, Nolrim, Gwynian, Roark. They would be very cool! What about a boxed set with 8-10 characters for the Kai Books and something similar for the Magnakai? I would buy this but only once. So for me it would be miniature game and supporting models first then special character.

It's also worth noting that it is quite easy to find historical proxies for standard Sommelending troops Stornlanders, Vassagonians so if you want some generic troops these can be a good option. Prehaps Mongoose are aware of this and this is why there has been a slew of the more unique types form the Darklands.
Agreeing with Winter Wolf mostly - go with those that'll sell multiples because the more miniatures Mongoose sell, the more they will support this product line. Sales always "take a hit" when you produce a unique character because most people only buy them once (or three times in my case because I like an original and two to rip apart for conversions ;) - swap your spare D'Val's head with a Guardsman and you have another captain plus a lieutenant or something). However, planning to release them afterwards usually means a question mark over whether they get done at all.

My preferred option would be to see, say, four or five packs of generic figures for a given "army", and a related character pack tacked on the end - effectively "hiding" it in the middle of better-selling lines - the beancounters see a range consisting of six blister packs and the fact the character pack only sold a tenth of the figures for the others gets hidden in the average). This passes on up the chain back to the original sculptor (who gets asked to sculpt, say, a total of fifteen figures for that range) and in the mould-making, so the effect of a low-selling character gets averaged out with the higher-selling rank+file.

I'd prefer that a miniatures game not be based in any historical timeframe - just produce all the miniatures to cover everything, like LotR - then players can choose whether to play "canon" games or "what if?" games. Like others, I'd love to play out the Monastery siege... I'm not sure I have the room for yet another unique terrain board though :(
Are the next miniature releases already planned/made? Will they be related to the books/modules?
arathar said:
Are the next miniature releases already planned/made? Will they be related to the books/modules?

In true Lone Wolf tradition I suspect that this hasn't been thought about yet. :)

Please prove me wrong.
The trouble that I have, being an impatient person at best, is that I start looking around for proxies and working on my own rules.... :?

I've already tracked down some nice historicals for the Sommelending army and the Vassagonians. Mongooses minis are very nice so lets have some more please.
Perhaps more miniatures are going to be released in May, with the new module Dawn of Destruction? That would be great
arathar said:
Perhaps more miniatures are going to be released in May, with the new module Dawn of Destruction? That would be great

I think any new Miniature releases would be great. :) The Idea of mini releases tied to particular rpg product has a certain appeal but I don't know how succesful that has been in the past. I know that GW tried to sell minis with WFRP but is wasn't a great success...

I initially began collecting them to support the RPG but now I've got a few I'm working on bigger forces to skirmish with. I hope that Mongoose release a battle game of some shape or form, that I feel is the best bet for miniature releases.

For anyone in the UK I picked up a few LW blisters at a good price £5.20 from Dancing Dryad and got good service to boot.