

If this is posted else where ignore this. Any one feel like posting ideas for monsters from the series not in the rulebook? I know they're there, I was looking for Death Gaunts. It'd be a good start at hopefully a LW monster book so that ALL the monsters are brought out that a couple of writers might miss :wink: .

On a side note if there is a monster book put out I hope it has more detailed descriptions and lots of artwork. The ones in the LW rulebook lacked enough in description so that I couldn't place them (though if it did it probably be another 100 pages so no flame intended).
Two points:

1) The gamebooks were fantastic, but if there wasn't a piece of art associates with a given monster, there was often very little by way of description as well. :( In every case, I did the best I could, and while you might not have been able to place a monster with its appearance in the gamebooks, you do have enough material to use them in a game (which is what I was going for).

2) I think this is a MARVELOUS thread. I will gladly use anything listed here and even work in a credit for anyone posting monsters and information. Thank you in advance, and thank you Barrangas for starting this in the first place.

Is it possible to get a list of which monsters are in the book? (Still waiting for it to arrive here in Oz). I was part of the original fan conversion of Lone Wolf to d20, so I have quite a few on my hard drive.
Eternalknight said:
Is it possible to get a list of which monsters are in the book? (Still waiting for it to arrive here in Oz).
Agarashi, Akraa'neonor, Anapheg, Ashradon, Beastmen, Burrowcrawler, Cabalah, Ciquali, Crypt Spawn, Daemonak, Dakomyd, Dentaag, Doomwolf, Drakkarim, Drodarin Giants, Faersteed, Flame-Man, Ghagrim, Giak, Gourgaz, Helghast, Inbetween, Kalkoth, Kraan, Lapillibore, Mawtaw, Oudagorg, Pegasus, Plaghatar, Plague Hound, Rahgu, Ravagers of Kaum, Skeleton, Steamspiders, Storgh, Szall, Tunnel Stalker, Vordak, Xargath, Zlanbeast, Zombie.

As Animal: Akataz, Baknar, Elix, Flying Snake, Itikar, Javek, Kwaraz, Lekhor, Meresquid, Najin, Vodok.

Which books were the Faersteeds and Inbetweens in? I don't recall them at all - were they from one of the New Order books? I don't have any of them.

That's a lot of the Lone Wolf monsters, but not all of them from the series. I'll help out with this, too, but I'm going to try to stay away from ones I really think'll be included in the Darklands book, esp. the Xaghash.
No, there are no Faersteeds nor Inbetweens in the New Order books. At first, i thought the ghost of Roark was an Inbetween, but after re-reading their description it's clear that my assumption was wrong. I also thought that Wild Wind was a Faersteed, but, looking at their stats, Faersteeds are too slow.
All right, a few creatures already come to mind:

  • The Kakarmi, a gentle, intelligent race of forest animals that inhabit and tend the forests of Sommerlund. They are rather timid and seem to live in tribal villages.
    References: "Flight from the Dark", starting at paragraph 52
    Illustrations: "Flight from the Dark", paragraphs 187 and 250

    The Vassagonian Warhounds, large, ferocious dogs bred for war by the Vassagonians. They are even trained to wear armour, making them even more dangerous.
    References: "The Chasm of Doom", starting at paragraph 307
    Illustrations: "The Chasm of Doom", paragraph 193

    The Vahzag, ferocious, disease-ridden rat-creatures bred in warrens deep below Mogaruith. They serve the Cener druids as warriors, guards and food gatherers. Vahzag are as tall as a Sommerlending youth, have blood-red eyes, are clothed in rags and scavenged armour, and carry crude and rusty weapons. A heavy aroma of disease cloaks these loathsome rat-men, who at least sometimes enter a blood-crazed frenzy when throwing themselves into battle.
    References: "The Plague Lords of Ruel", all over the place really :wink:
    Illustrations: "The Plague Lords of Ruel", paragraph 283, cover of the UK edition
Don't (yet) know if "normal" animals are already included in the core rules, but if not, a nice array of wolves, boars, panthers, owls, ravens, snakes etc. would of course be useful. And don't forget the horses! There have been several races mentioned in the gamebooks, for example the Simar stallions ("War of the Wizards"), the Kucheks ("The Chasm of Doom", paragraph 106), and the Slovian steeds ("The Plague Lords of Ruel", paragraph 283).

Keeping my eyes open for more interesting creatures - that Bestiary (don't call it a "Monstrous Manual" or somesuch! :?) wants to be filled, after all! (And as has been said before: A combined book on creatures and herbs would be great! Except, of course, you plan to do one book for each ... :D)

Ordovician said:
Eternalknight said:
Is it possible to get a list of which monsters are in the book? (Still waiting for it to arrive here in Oz).
Agarashi, Akraa'neonor, Anapheg, Ashradon, Beastmen, Burrowcrawler, Cabalah, Ciquali, Crypt Spawn, Daemonak, Dakomyd, Dentaag, Doomwolf, Drakkarim, Drodarin Giants, Faersteed, Flame-Man, Ghagrim, Giak, Gourgaz, Helghast, Inbetween, Kalkoth, Kraan, Lapillibore, Mawtaw, Oudagorg, Pegasus, Plaghatar, Plague Hound, Rahgu, Ravagers of Kaum, Skeleton, Steamspiders, Storgh, Szall, Tunnel Stalker, Vordak, Xargath, Zlanbeast, Zombie.

As Animal: Akataz, Baknar, Elix, Flying Snake, Itikar, Javek, Kwaraz, Lekhor, Meresquid, Najin, Vodok.
Of course, Paido had to show me up and post references as well, whereas I did mine from memory, so give me a sec whilst I did through the bookshelves....(rummages for not too long a time)... AH-HA! The referneces are added in to the summaries below...</edit>

... <sing> two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree!</sing>
OH! sorry 'bout that....
Seriously though, I know they are predominantly Southern creatures, but what about the Mantiz (the giant manis race that slaughters GS 9 out of 10 choices one might make), Quoku (another lethal foe, the legendary giant flying frogs that were responsible for Shan's death) , and my personal favorite, the Kleasa (the spectral soul eaters that captured Tanith)? All these appear throughout GS 1: Grey Star the Wizard, and they are prime examples of creatures that made adventure through that book so memoriable. They are also all three depicted on the cover of GS 1. Scree Wyrms from Desolation Valley are another fine example of unique creatures in S.M.
As animals, what about the Magdi Hounds, Ooslo Birds and Eijalfish, first seen (I believe) in GS 2: the Forbidden City. I know barrangas already mentioned the Deathguants, but I'd like to second that as well (also appearing in GS 2)! The Chaksu, psychic psuedo-dragons (er, big lizards) that dwelled around the Gurlu (sp?) Marshes might qualify as animals or monsters, I am not sure... The image in the book always reminded me of what a Komodo dragon might look like if they could be described as "cute".
Weren't they called "Chaos Birds"? the things that attacked GS's airship in GS 3? Can't remember that one, but I know they were on the cover of that book as well. Then you have the demon hoards and flying snakes(they were on the cover) from GS 4, names and depictions I can't remember, but I know they are in there.

And of course, all references to cover art, I refer to the US editions.

So, in review (and in order of preference)
Kleasa (GS1) - ref: para 149; ill #9 and cover
(GS2) ref para 122, 143, 229, and 310; ill # 20
Quoku (GS1) - ref: para 231, 233; ill #13 and cover
Scree Wyrm (GS2) ref: para 182 and 273; ill #12
Chaksu (GS2) - ref: para 225, 222, 247; ill #14 and 15
Death guants (GS2) - ref para 129, 145, 169, 213; ill # 11
Mantiz (GS1) - ref: para 197; ill #11, cover, and various inset art throughout the book.
Ooslo Birds (GS2) - ref para 257; ill #16
Magdi Hounds (GS2) - ref para 82, 151 (best), and 123(could not find illustration)
Eijalfish (GS2) ref: para 125; ill #10(only partial)
Flying Snakes (GS4) ref para 147, 202; ill # 9
Chaos Birds (GS3) ref para 75, 98, 108; ill # 7
...almost forgot the Naijin (GS1) ref: para 101; ill:#6

Is it obvious I preferred the GS series? :lol:
Had confirmation that my copy shipped today.

How are the monsters statted up? Is the stat block compatible with 3.5 ed D&D? If not, what changes are there from the norm?
adgramaine said:
... <sing> two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree!</sing>

[...] Then you have the demon hoards and flying snakes(they were on the cover) from GS 4, names and depictions I can't remember, but I know they are in there [...]
... and let's not forget about the Jahksa! :twisted:

Is it obvious I preferred the GS series? :lol:
Was planning on raiding the Grey Star books next, actually ... Just love 'em! :wink:




adgramaine said:
Of course, Paido had to show me up and post references as well, whereas I did mine from memory, so give me a sec whilst I did through the bookshelves....(rummages for not too long a time)... AH-HA! The referneces are added in to the summaries below...</edit>
I haven't been showin' up nowhere, sir, honest ... :D


After all, you posted after me ...:P
Paido said:
[...] Then you have the demon hoards and flying snakes(they were on the cover) from GS 4, names and depictions I can't remember, but I know they are in there [...]
... and let's not forget about the Jahksa! :twisted:

I almost put that one in there, but I can't recall if that was a monster/construct, or a specific one-time special careation of Shasarak. Oh well, why do something half-@$$...

Jahksa (GS3) - ref: para 160,169, 309 (it's a spirit creature;guess that answers my question, eh Paido?); ill #13, even though it looked like GS
Here's the first that come to mind:
Ziog - mighty, three eyed undead being from Ixia, capable of absorbing Brotherhood spells (Old Kingdom magic damages it) (LW17, par. 121, ill. 7) .
Ixian Mhagani- undead beast with bear-like body, tentacles and venomous claws (LW17, par. 89, ill. 6).
Yawshath - I'm sure everyone remembers the Yawshaths in castle Taunor. :wink: (LW6, par. 268).
LW 20:
Avagnids - ref para 24, 79; ill overleaf from para 79; described as giant river spiders, immune to psychic attacks.

Dragons (?) the premise of book 18, and mentioned several times in book 20 (to the inclusion of the Dargonlord). I would think these dragons differ from the standard DnD fare, am I right?

Okay, and before anyone says anything, I noticed that Flying Snakes and Naijin already made it into the RPG... so sue me :)
I also noticed that (unless my eyes mistake me, which they have before)Lavas are not mentioned, despite appearing in more Grandmaster books than I care to count (I know they appear in 16 and 20). Did lavas not exsist in MS 5000?

Lets not forget the Roctopus and the Ziog. I'd like to see these written up.

Also, i'd like to see more info on the drodorian races. Details and pics of them would be great.
Here's my first!

Small Humanoid
End Dice: ½d8 (2 Endurance)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.
Armor Class: 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 patchwork), flat-footed 12
Base Combat Skill: +0
Attack: "Pike" -1 melee (1d4-2)
Full Attack: "Pike" -1 melee (1d4-2), bite -1 melee (1d3-2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: --
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 6, Con 10, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Acrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Climb +9, Stealth +7
Environment: Temperate underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, commune (3-18 ) or nest (10-100)
Challenge Rating: ½
Allegiance: Usually Unaligned
Advancement: By character class

The creature is utterly annoying. Looking something like a bipedal, two-foot-tall marsh-rat somehow imbued with the gift of speech, it has a somewhat regal bearing in its many-colored tunic and foppish hat, complete with feather, its nose twitches as it speaks.

Skills: A Noodnic may always take 10 on a Climb check, irregardless of conditions.

Noodnics are small rodent-like creatures that are found throughout the Lastlands, particularly the tunnels of Durenor. Here they serve as aids and guides to travellers, warning about upcoming dangers. They have a primitive sort of intelligence and are merciless scavengers, often wearing clothing made of whatever scraps of cloth they can patch together. Oftentimes, a Noodnic will wield a tiny knitting needle as a soldier would a pike, or a cut-throat’s dagger as a knight would a sword. They have a noted fondness for gold.
Short of a few specific conversions for skills (Acrobatics becomes Balance and Jump, Athletics becomes Climb and Swim, and Perception becomes Listen, Spot, and Search) most "porting" of creatures into 3.0 or 3.5 should be pretty much straight forward.
Of course, I'd keep an eye on HD for creatures so I could give them appropriate Feats that should be accorded them... provided the Feats didn't upset the balance too much. But in most cases, even if it did it could always be remedied with a +1 EC or +10-25% XP earned, depending on how serious the Feats beefed them up.

Hey...that reminds me of a question I need to ask in another thread....
What books are there? I know that they went up to grandmaster (volume 20 I think was the last), the 4 grey star books, and the Legend of Lone Wolf novels (I could only ever find Vol 1, 2, and 5), and I think there was a Compendium, similar to the description of the countries in the Rulebook. Are there any other sources for information to get monsters from?
Thanks to those within this very board, I have learned of books 21-28 - The New Kai Order series (or somesuch as this) wherein you play a student of the illustrious Lone Wolf and begin attending to matters around and about in Magnamund. Though I could type out the titles for you as they were done for me, I'd hate to tease you, as they are VERY hard to come by here in the States, and not much easier anywhere else for that matter (prove me wrong, please!)
But between these books and those you mentioned, that's it, unless there is some new stuff within the graphic novel that Mr. Dever released those years back (I did mention the graphic novel, right?)
Oh, and about those Legend books you are missing - has had them for quite some time. I have books 1-5 (US editions) of which three were aquired through Amazon. I also managed to get a hold of #9 (UK edition) on eBay for $30 (That's including S&H, and the difference between pounds and the American Dollar).
So, if you look hard enough, you can get a few of them no problem, if you're willing to pay for them....
you can try to be patient and wait until ProjectAon manages to release any books you cannot find. I remember reading SOMETHING on their site regarding books 21-28, though for the life of me, I can't remember what it was....

I guess I need food.... and to stop rambling.
Now that you mention it I vaguely remember one when you played as a different Kia Lord. So there where 28 LW Books, 4 GS books, the Compendium, and at least 5 Legends of Lone Wolf books (where there more in the UK or where the books divided up into smaller texts). Argh, I don't even have book 1, I can't even look anything up anything.