The following bits and pieces are referenced in the combat rules, but are either not explained or are contradictory:
p64: "Combat actions may be interrupted" and p66, most of the "Declaration" paragraph.
No rules or advice are given on how to adjudicate these interrupts and non-defensive reactions that occur during the Action Phase. If character A declares he will shoot character B, can B interrupt or react to fire back first (or simultaneously)? If he can, doesn't that make the Dex order meaningless? If the rules for Interrupts on p69 are employed, then Action Phase interrupts and non-defensive reactions are just carried out on the characters normal Dex anway.
p67, common combat modifiers: "Movement: -1 per 3 ticks"
I presume this is target movement. What about crawlers or fliers, who are moving at different rates?
p69, Cover Table
Ducking values differ from the earlier rule that indicates ducking doubles the value of cover.
Weapon Ranges
This isn't unclear, just a personal disagreement: Pistols should not be able to fire out to 250m. I suggest Optimum range of Close and Max range of Medium. A really good shoot might hit a target over 50m, but I don't believe anyone will be getting hits, let alone doing damage of consequence at over 100m in combat. Shotguns should probably have their max range dropped back as well.
p64: "Combat actions may be interrupted" and p66, most of the "Declaration" paragraph.
No rules or advice are given on how to adjudicate these interrupts and non-defensive reactions that occur during the Action Phase. If character A declares he will shoot character B, can B interrupt or react to fire back first (or simultaneously)? If he can, doesn't that make the Dex order meaningless? If the rules for Interrupts on p69 are employed, then Action Phase interrupts and non-defensive reactions are just carried out on the characters normal Dex anway.
p67, common combat modifiers: "Movement: -1 per 3 ticks"
I presume this is target movement. What about crawlers or fliers, who are moving at different rates?
p69, Cover Table
Ducking values differ from the earlier rule that indicates ducking doubles the value of cover.
Weapon Ranges
This isn't unclear, just a personal disagreement: Pistols should not be able to fire out to 250m. I suggest Optimum range of Close and Max range of Medium. A really good shoot might hit a target over 50m, but I don't believe anyone will be getting hits, let alone doing damage of consequence at over 100m in combat. Shotguns should probably have their max range dropped back as well.