Trodax said:
Sutek said:
"Throwing a light or one-handed weapon is a standard action, while throwing a two-handed weapon is a full-round action."
Yeah, just like foxworthy said, this sentence is definitely talking about
improvised thrown weapons only.
If that were the case, Trodax, it wouldn't indiacte "light or one-handed" or "two-handed", it would simply indicate "improvised" as the weapon type.
It's something that should be listed in an official errata because it's not the way the rules are written. I see where it's indicated in Quick Draw, but nowhere else is multiple shots with a bow clearly stated.
Even in the 3.5 PHB the wording is identical as far as mechanics goes. Different weapons are given, of course, but the system is the same.
Light and one handed weapons that are goin gto be thrown require a standard action to throw. In the entry for light or one-handed
melee weapons, no specification is given for action limitations or requirements, meaning it falls to the normal action capabilities of the weilder. Projectile weapons are limited by thier own physical properties, and therefore
require a certain type of action to use; standar or full.
Even in D&D it is not allowed to fire multiple shots with a projectile weapon, thus the Manyshot feat (PHB 97). If it were possible to shoot multiple times in a round, why would anyone ever get that feat? To make two shots with a single attack roll, to be sure, but it should also be noted that ther is no mention of "throw weapons at his full normal attack rate, much like a character with a bow." That's only in Conan.
By that token, I think refering to D&D is apples and oranges. I'll dig through the SRD again, but to my recolllection it has nothing more than what has been mentioned. The reqwuirement of a standard or full-rounnd action is by virtue of the equipment and has no bearing on how many attacks the weilder has. At least in the RAW.
Anyother point: The SRD, as well as the Conan equipoment chapter entry for ranged weapons, indicates that a threat can only ever occur on a roll of a natural 20 and tat the damage is only ever doubled (x2), but Stygian bows have a greater threat range than that, and Slings are indicated as delivering a x3 crit. These points are also inconsistant with the rules as stated in the paragraphs. Personally, I go by the tables as being exceptions to the rule.
Besides actual weapon examples, the SRD and 3.5 PHB are exactly identical in system to that indicated in Conan: equipment requirements for standard and full-round actions apply in place of character multiple attack potential.