Mini's for the B5 RPG??

In a previous thread, Matthew the boss said this :

Matthew Sprange said:
Well, it will be a while yet (we have _way_ too many projects on right now!) but I have been thinking about some sort of 28mm B5 boarding game, perhaps based around the Severed Dreams episode, where the security forces (backed by the Narn) fight against invading EF Marines.

Just an idle thought right now. . .

So there is hope, also considering Mongoose have still a long way to go with the license...
Some of the Harliquin figures were pretty good. The ones that looked the worst were the main characters. Franklin and Sinclair and Londo looked like they were made out of play-doe. Some of the secondary characters like the Soul-Hunters and the generic Med-Tech and Security guys look great. Oh, and Ivanova looks really nice. I don't know about the other figures cause I haven't painted them yet.
I have some, but you ain't getting them! :twisted:

ditto!!! :twisted:

i have seen them on ebay from time to time, but as they are no longer in production we`ll just have to hope that Mongoose decides that they are worthwhile to make.
Well... I have them all, and most are pretty nice. The early minis, especially the promotional pieces (Main characters, released last as "goodbye present") were not that good, but as their sculptor(s) got into it they got a lot better (compare the later "G'Kar in bathrobe" to the early "Big Head G'Kar" or the later "Ulkesh" to the early "Kosh" - though the Kosh mini was the best of the promo pieces...)

And no, noone is getting any of mine! :P

Oh, I would love to see Mongoose revive this mini line too, as they did with AoG's ship minis! And make new ones - there are sooo many more of the aliens I would like to see minis for... especially a few shadows to surround my Mr.Morden mini...

Another exciting possibility for Mongoose to make would be "trooper" minis in 28 mm scale modeled after the pix AoG did for their GROPOS (the narn soldiers looked quite cool with their "big guns")

Basically, for your RPG needs you can use minis from many present-day and near-future lines as PC's, security guards, raiders, etc.

It's the B5-specific aliens and EA uniforms that you can't get - now.

I do hope that will change some time in the future... hear that, Mongoose guys!?! :wink:
I do hope that will change some time in the future... hear that, Mongoose guys!?!

Eeeerr... same here !

I'm feeverishly looking for those minis and can't find them anywhere... Mongoose? Help !


Hey thanks for the heads up, LBH! Let's see who can outbid me now...
With the shipping costs involved in flying stuff from UK to Canada, I'm not sure if I will regret it or not. :?
You're welcome.

Good luck with the auction. i have that set already I'm pretty sure (amongst others). I'll need to dig them out sometime, see which ones I'm missing!

Oh, that's you who robbed me of those... But have I knew it was you, the creator of a lovely GM screen, I wouldn't have raised the price at all... :D I'm letting you run away with them, no need to thank me.

P.S.: Yes, on eBay my nickname is "christianlaco"
redlaco said:
Oh, that's you who robbed me of those... But have I knew it was you, the creator of a lovely GM screen, I wouldn't have raised the price at all... :D I'm letting you run away with them, no need to thank me.

P.S.: Yes, on eBay my nickname is "christianlaco"

Sorry, sorry, sorry !
I lost the auction on the last moment... :cry:

But there's a guy from München who sells the same box ! 8)

I'm on it !

And this time, I won't let go ! :twisted:


redlaco said:
no need to thank me.
THANKS A LOT !!! :wink:

I'm currently best bidder for :
BABYLON 5: Series 1 - Collectors Box B5101
petitbilbo said:
lastbesthope said:
Bon chance, petitbilbo!


Thanks !

Got the first, still waiting to hear from the second one's seller... (getting a bit frustrated).



It can be frustrating, can't it! I was lucky and had quick responses when I bought a B5 comic and the old Chameleon Eclectic B5 RPG GM Screen on ebay.

Patience mon ami!
