MGT Test Sector #3: Hard Science variant


This is the third "test sector" I've generated using the final MGT corebook worldgen rules. This one is designed using the Hard Science variant rules on page 180 (to be clear - the Hard Science variant is the Space Opera modifiers plus some extra tweaks to population and starport).

See the Default Rules thread and Space Opera threads for comparison.

Note that these are exactly the same UWPs as rolled before in Test Sectors #1. So this is what you would get if you ran a "Hard Science filter" over those original UWPs. That should make it useful for direct comparison between results.

Worlds are present in a hex on a roll of 4+ on 1d6, gas giants are present on 9- on 2d6. I haven't implemented Bases though.

I've incorporated the Environmental TL Limits here - I've decided that for the Hard Science variant, if the TL is below the environmental limit then the population will be reduced to 0 (for the Default and Space Opera rules, if the generated TL is lower than the Environmental TL Limit then the TL will be increased to that limit).

I'll leave it up to you guys to map it out.

First column: Hex/Column location in sector
Second block: UWP code
Third block: Trade codes
Fourth block: Temperature code (0 = Extremes, 1 = Frozen, 2 = Cold, 3 = Temperate, 4 = Hot, 5 = Roasting).
Fifth block: Gas giant Present (G = yes, blank = no)

    0101        E410204-B        Lo Ni                              0        G
    0102        D573420-4        Ni Lt                              2        G
    0104        X531000-0        Ba                                 1        G
    0105        X554758-2        Ag Ga Lt                           3        G
    0108        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0109        B6537A6-7        Po                                 3        G
    0114        X876000-0        Ba Ga                              3
    0115        E310533-A        Ni                                 0        G
    0117        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    0118        B652633-5        Ni Po Lt                           3
    0119        X9B2000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    0120        C200573-9        Ni Va                              0
    0121        D560676-8        De Ni Ri                           5        G
    0122        X7A4000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    0125        X977000-0        Ba Ga                              4
    0126        C7A2443-8        Fl Ni                              3        G
    0127        D100368-8        Lo Ni Va                           0
    0130        E562326-6        Lo Ni                              3
    0133        E000320-A        As Lo Ni                           0
    0134        C400375-9        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    0136        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0139        X7C0000-0        Ba De                              5
    0204        C64988A-8                                           2
    0206        E767202-7        Lo Ni Ga                           3
    0207        X831000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    0209        D5757A8-6        Ag Ga                              3        G
    0210        X795000-0        Ba Ga                              4
    0211        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0212        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              4        G
    0213        X690000-0        Ba De                              4
    0215        X579000-0        Ba                                 3
    0216        X9C0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    0218        B662776-9        Ri                                 3        G
    0220        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    0221        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    0222        D98A599-6        Ni Wa                              3        G
    0224        B640845-7        De Po                              5
    0227        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0229        B621566-8        Ni Po                              2        G
    0230        D989885-6        Ri                                 4        G
    0231        A657A6A-B        Hi Ga                              3        G
    0233        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    0234        D680242-6        De Lo Ni                           5        G
    0237        XAEA000-0        Ba Fl Wa                           3        G
    0239        B568515-A        Ag Ni Ga                           2        G
    0240        E530254-9        De Lo Ni Po                        2        G
    0304        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    0308        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0309        E665448-5        Ni Ga Lt                           3        G
    0315        C100544-D        Ni Va Ht                           0        G
    0317        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    0318        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0321        D520354-7        De Lo Ni Po                        1        G
    0322        X000000-0        As Ba                              0        G
    0324        B56888A-9        Ri Ga                              1
    0325        A753AA8-E        Hi Po Ht                           2        G
    0326        D400356-8        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    0330        X997000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    0335        X531000-0        Ba                                 1
    0336        B636696-6        Ni                                 1
    0339        X986238-0        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    0401        D580784-5        De Ri Lt                           5
    0402        X834000-0        Ba                                 4        G
    0403        B6729BC-A        Hi In                              3
    0404        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    0405        D4A0851-8        De                                 2        G
    0406        C100865-B        Na Va                              0        G
    0407        A687BEB-B        Hi Ga                              3        G
    0409        D86A834-8        Wa                                 3        G
    0410        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0411        B642885-7        Po                                 2        G
    0412        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    0414        X7A5000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    0426        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0427        C5598B9-9                                           3        G
    0428        C869588-7        Ni                                 3
    0429        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0430        XA9A631-4        Ni Wa Lt                           4        G
    0433        X000000-0        As Ba                              0
    0435        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0
    0439        E984575-6        Ag Ni Ga                           5        G
    0501        E649379-8        Lo Ni                              3        G
    0502        X634000-0        Ba                                 1        G
    0503        C31056A-8        Ni                                 0        G
    0504        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              3        G
    0506        X545000-0        Ba Ga                              4        G
    0507        D5616A9-5        Ni Lt                              4        G
    0509        D796411-7        Ni Ga                              3        G
    0510        C667B76-A        Hi Ga                              1        G
    0511        C400588-8        Ni Va                              0
    0514        C532778-7        Na Po                              2        G
    0516        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    0517        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0518        X84A238-4        Lo Ni Wa Lt                        2        G
    0520        C68877B-5        Ag Ri Ga Lt                        3        G
    0523        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0524        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0526        D400474-9        Ni Va                              0
    0528        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    0529        X8B4000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    0530        C58667A-7        Ag Ni Ri Ga                        3        G
    0532        X567243-2        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        4        G
    0533        C6B0469-B        De Ni                              5        G
    0535        E65879A-6        Ag Ga                              1        G
    0537        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    0540        E658400-5        Ni Ga Lt                           3        G
    0601        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    0603        D636310-6        Lo Ni                              1
    0605        D678759-5        Ag Ga Lt                           1        G
    0607        X5A2000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    0608        E88A630-8        Ni Wa                              2
    0609        E200577-B        Ni Va                              0
    0613        C877777-8        Ag Ga                              3        G
    0615        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0
    0618        E558424-2        Ni Ga Lt                           1        G
    0619        X730000-0        Ba De                              1        G
    0620        C679454-6        Ni                                 2
    0621        A566BCD-C        Hi Ga Ht                           3
    0624        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              2
    0626        X58A200-6        Lo Ni Wa                           3        G
    0627        D66A667-6        Ni Ri Wa                           3        G
    0631        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0632        B645688-8        Ag Ni Ga                           1        G
    0633        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0634        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0639        D565430-7        Ni Ga                              2        G
    0701        B968BB9-A        Hi Ga                              3        G
    0703        X796000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    0704        B000678-G        As Na Ni Ht                        0        G
    0708        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              2
    0709        X546237-3        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        3
    0710        X556668-0        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    0711        X677000-0        Ba Ga                              3
    0712        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    0714        E310100-8        Lo Ni                              0
    0716        X547000-0        Ba Ga                              2        G
    0717        C856556-9        Ag Ni Ga                           2        G
    0718        XA9A242-4        Lo Ni Wa Lt                        3
    0719        C546500-6        Ag Ni Ga                           1
    0720        X522000-0        Ba                                 2        G
    0721        E000213-9        As Lo Ni                           0
    0723        C785777-A        Ag Ri Ga                           4        G
    0726        B5478CC-6        Ga                                 3
    0727        XAC0000-0        Ba De                              5
    0730        X525000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    0731        X665355-0        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        3
    0732        C668633-7        Ag Ni Ga                           1
    0736        C400559-8        Ni Va                              0        G
    0737        C300546-B        Ni Va                              0        G
    0738        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    0739        X633000-0        Ba                                 3
    0805        C9DA659-C        Fl Ni Wa Ht                        5        G
    0806        B530787-7        De Na Po                           1        G
    0807        X795000-0        Ba Ga                              4        G
    0808        C759677-8        Ni                                 3
    0809        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0810        A7589D8-7        Hi Ga                              3        G
    0813        X9A2000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    0817        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0819        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0
    0820        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0821        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              3        G
    0824        E410441-9        Ni                                 0        G
    0825        C735778-B                                           3        G
    0826        E68978B-4        Ri Lt                              2        G
    0831        X8A5000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    0833        C410778-C        Na Ht                              0        G
    0835        X7A5000-0        Ba Fl                              2        G
    0836        B535787-9                                           2
    0838        X000000-0        As Ba                              0
    0840        D6957BC-6        Ag Ga                              1        G
    0903        B100510-D        Ni Va Ht                           0        G
    0905        X9A1000-0        Ba Fl                              5        G
    0906        D100786-9        Na Va                              0        G
    0910        D9EA230-7        Fl Lo Ni Wa                        2        G
    0912        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              5
    0914        C620443-7        De Ni Po                           3        G
    0917        X8B1000-0        Ba Fl                              3
    0918        B3A0422-B        De Ni                              5        G
    0919        B78769D-7        Ag Ni Ri Ga                        4        G
    0920        E58A324-6        Lo Ni Wa                           3
    0921        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0922        D9A3555-8        Fl Ni                              3        G
    0923        C310784-B        Na                                 0
    0924        D544621-5        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        2
    0926        X9A2000-0        Ba Fl                              5        G
    0929        D681667-3        Ni Ri Lt                           4
    0932        X5A6000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    0933        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    0934        C2007A6-8        Na Va                              0        G
    0935        C40078B-A        Na Va                              0
    0938        D795613-5        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        5        G
    0939        B310854-A        Na                                 0        G
    0940        D100456-9        Ni Va                              0        G
    1001        B300786-A        Na Va                              0
    1003        X531000-0        Ba                                 3
    1005        X410000-0        Ba                                 0
    1006        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1007        X4A2000-0        Ba Fl                              1
    1011        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1015        B99A749-A        Wa                                 3        G
    1016        D8A2331-8        Fl Lo Ni                           3        G
    1017        A300996-G        Hi In Na Va Ht                     0        G
    1020        C310488-A        Ni                                 0        G
    1026        E645345-5        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    1027        C410549-B        Ni                                 0        G
    1029        X544000-0        Ba Ga                              4        G
    1033        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1037        B30066A-A        Na Ni Va                           0
    1038        C780797-6        De Ri                              5        G
    1101        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1102        X676000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    1103        B979989-B        Hi In                              3
    1104        X666345-0        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    1105        E654641-5        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    1106        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1107        X560240-3        De Lo Ni Lt                        5        G
    1108        D681640-5        Ni Ri Lt                           4        G
    1113        X9E9456-6        Fl Ni                              2        G
    1115        B300848-A        Na Va                              0        G
    1116        X9C0000-0        Ba De                              5
    1117        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1118        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1120        C75A585-6        Ni Wa                              2        G
    1121        X100100-8        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    1123        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    1130        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1132        X000000-0        As Ba                              0        G
    1135        E86A332-6        Lo Ni Wa                           3        G
    1136        D75A787-4        Wa Lt                              3        G
    1203        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    1207        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    1209        D765300-7        Lo Ni Ga                           2        G
    1211        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    1212        X543000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    1218        C7808B8-6        De                                 4
    1219        C99A505-7        Ni Wa                              4        G
    1221        X586476-1        Ni Ga Lt                           3        G
    1224        B86A88B-C        Ri Wa Ht                           2        G
    1227        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1228        E4A0489-9        De Ni                              5
    1231        C7A1755-9        Fl                                 4
    1232        B88246A-6        Ni                                 5
    1233        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1238        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1301        D96A520-4        Ni Wa Lt                           2        G
    1302        X842000-0        Ba                                 5        G
    1303        B588AAA-A        Hi Ga                              3        G
    1304        D3A026A-8        De Lo Ni                           5        G
    1307        A9A9899-A        Fl                                 3
    1316        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    1317        C733573-A        Ni Po                              3        G
    1319        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1320        X888110-3        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        4        G
    1322        X8A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    1323        X99A000-0        Ba Wa                              3        G
    1325        E310533-8        Ni                                 0        G
    1326        C774667-7        Ag Ni Ga                           1        G
    1327        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    1328        A555ADC-9        Hi Ga                              3        G
    1329        E510300-8        Lo Ni                              0
    1331        X8A3000-0        Ba Fl                              3
    1332        E300479-B        Ni Va                              0        G
    1333        X657237-0        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        1        G
    1335        X000000-0        As Ba                              0        G
    1338        X758453-3        Ni Ga Lt                           3        G
    1340        E100310-A        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    1401        B574764-A        Ag Ga                              2
    1402        D697747-6        Ag Ga                              3        G
    1403        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1408        X4A0000-0        Ba De                              3        G
    1409        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1413        X7A0000-0        Ba De                              4        G
    1417        X6A2000-0        Ba Fl                              3
    1419        E100525-9        Ni Va                              0        G
    1422        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1423        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    1424        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1427        X657623-1        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        3
    1430        A95799A-9        Hi Ga                              3        G
    1432        B100669-D        Na Ni Va Ht                        0
    1434        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1436        C79A365-7        Lo Ni Wa                           3        G
    1502        B4108BB-C        Na Ht                              0        G
    1503        B410665-9        Na Ni                              0        G
    1504        X896000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    1505        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1506        C100346-B        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    1508        XA5A312-2        Lo Ni Wa Lt                        3
    1510        B778562-9        Ag Ni Ga                           3        G
    1511        XAB4000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    1512        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1514        A7807CD-9        De                                 5        G
    1517        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              2        G
    1518        DA94277-6        Lo Ni Ga                           5        G
    1520        C200344-8        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    1521        X9A7000-0        Ba Fl                              3
    1523        C620656-B        De Na Ni Po                        2        G
    1525        C7B08AA-A        De                                 5        G
    1528        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1531        D620500-A        De Ni Po                           3        G
    1535        E533254-9        Lo Ni Po                           1        G
    1537        C675731-5        Ag Ga Lt                           3        G
    1538        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1539        X531000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    1601        E4A0400-B        De Ni                              4        G
    1602        C875534-9        Ag Ni Ga                           2
    1605        X8C0000-0        Ba De                              5
    1606        X692000-0        Ba                                 3
    1609        C3A0668-8        De Ni                              5        G
    1611        D300422-A        Ni Va                              0
    1613        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1614        E4A0264-8        De Lo Ni                           3        G
    1617        X8A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    1618        B85699B-8        Hi Ga                              3        G
    1619        C310688-8        Na Ni                              0
    1623        E200434-9        Ni Va                              0        G
    1624        X531000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    1626        DA97799-4        Ag Ga Lt                           3
    1628        C550743-5        De Po Lt                           5        G
    1629        E654730-1        Ag Ga Lt                           3        G
    1630        D55077B-7        De Po                              5        G
    1632        D691575-8        Ni                                 5        G
    1633        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              4        G
    1634        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    1637        E4A0477-A        De Ni                              3        G
    1638        X779205-5        Lo Ni Lt                           3        G
    1639        B658872-A        Ga                                 3        G
    1640        B767867-5        Ri Ga Lt                           3        G
    1704        D552565-5        Ni Po Lt                           1        G
    1705        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    1706        C868975-8        Hi Ga                              3        G
    1707        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1708        D000313-A        As Lo Ni                           0        G
    1711        X630000-0        Ba De                              3        G
    1713        X4A2000-0        Ba Fl                              3
    1714        X744000-0        Ba Ga                              2        G
    1717        D200333-A        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    1718        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1721        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1722        E649500-5        Ni Lt                              1        G
    1723        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1725        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1726        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1728        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1733        X645000-0        Ba Ga                              4        G
    1735        X7C2000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    1736        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    1737        B555769-9        Ag Ga                              2        G
    1739        C65A979-B        Hi Wa                              2
    1801        X7C0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    1803        C4109BB-C        Hi In Na Ht                        0
    1805        D978454-8        Ni Ga                              3        G
    1806        E9DA223-8        Fl Lo Ni Wa                        5        G
    1807        X5A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    1808        E300331-9        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    1809        A7738CG-7                                           5        G
    1810        C20068B-A        Na Ni Va                           0        G
    1811        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    1812        C526644-8        Ni                                 3        G
    1813        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    1814        E545420-7        Ni Ga                              3
    1822        D100575-A        Ni Va                              0        G
    1823        X555573-4        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        4
    1825        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    1826        D776986-7        Hi In Ga                           2
    1827        A7689CE-C        Hi Ga Ht                           3
    1829        A679886-9                                           3
    1830        X7A5000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    1832        A500615-A        Na Ni Va                           0        G
    1833        C400754-A        Na Va                              0
    1836        D868430-4        Ni Ga Lt                           4        G
    1838        E85A420-6        Ni Wa                              3        G
    1839        E863352-5        Lo Ni Lt                           3        G
    1840        X4A2000-0        Ba Fl                              3
    1904        D300687-8        Na Ni Va                           0        G
    1905        E56367C-8        Ni Ri                              1
    1907        X000000-0        As Ba                              0        G
    1908        E574665-3        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    1910        B65A984-9        Hi Wa                              2
    1912        D64579A-4        Ag Ga Lt                           1        G
    1918        B554686-8        Ag Ni Ga                           1        G
    1919        E566410-7        Ni Ga                              4
    1920        X879200-4        Lo Ni Lt                           3
    1922        E310333-8        Lo Ni                              0        G
    1923        C65588C-8        Ga                                 3        G
    1924        D687442-2        Ni Ga Lt                           2        G
    1927        C558653-5        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    1929        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    1937        D200343-8        Lo Ni Va                           0
    1939        D520200-5        De Lo Ni Po Lt                     2        G
    2003        X535000-0        Ba                                 1        G
    2006        X671000-0        Ba                                 4        G
    2007        X6A0000-0        Ba De                              4
    2009        DAA0384-8        De Lo Ni                           5        G
    2014        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              1        G
    2016        X699000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    2017        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2018        X898000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    2025        X521000-0        Ba                                 3
    2027        E775565-6        Ag Ni Ga                           3
    2031        X7A1000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    2033        X55678C-0        Ag Ga Lt                           3        G
    2035        X8A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    2037        C200635-8        Na Ni Va                           0        G
    2038        E556334-3        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        1        G
    2039        AA5A748-A        Wa                                 3
    2103        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2104        E58657A-5        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    2109        X9B3000-0        Ba Fl                              5        G
    2112        X744000-0        Ba Ga                              3
    2116        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2120        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0
    2122        D553431-4        Ni Po Lt                           3        G
    2123        X410000-0        Ba                                 0
    2126        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0
    2133        C310334-A        Lo Ni                              0        G
    2134        D400510-A        Ni Va                              0        G
    2135        B686954-7        Hi Ga                              2        G
    2205        XAC2000-0        Ba Fl                              5        G
    2207        X725000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    2208        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0
    2209        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2210        XAA8000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    2211        E200300-B        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    2213        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2214        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2218        E958412-5        Ni Ga Lt                           3        G
    2220        B410645-9        Na Ni                              0        G
    2221        X88A424-1        Ni Wa Lt                           3        G
    2223        D545657-7        Ag Ni Ga                           3        G
    2232        X697000-0        Ba Ga                              3
    2236        X7B0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    2237        X553210-0        Lo Ni Po Lt                        4
    2238        XAA6000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    2239        X531000-0        Ba                                 1        G
    2301        E55438B-6        Lo Ni Ga                           2        G
    2307        B89A651-B        Ni Wa                              3        G
    2312        X879000-0        Ba                                 4        G
    2314        E510476-9        Ni                                 0        G
    2316        E410101-9        Lo Ni                              0        G
    2319        A7B2879-E        Fl Ht                              3        G
    2323        X541000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    2324        B400625-A        Na Ni Va                           0        G
    2326        E410454-A        Ni                                 0        G
    2327        E7878A8-6        Ga                                 2        G
    2328        D5669A9-2        Hi Ga Lt                           3
    2329        B65A9CD-9        Hi Wa                              2        G
    2334        C7829BA-5        Hi Lt                              2        G
    2335        X544000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    2336        B59698B-6        Hi In Ga                           3        G
    2337        E630455-6        De Ni Po                           2
    2339        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2401        C100554-B        Ni Va                              0        G
    2404        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    2405        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2406        A4008CB-C        Na Va Ht                           0        G
    2408        C859776-7                                           3        G
    2409        X6A3000-0        Ba Fl                              3
    2412        D675457-6        Ni Ga                              2        G
    2413        D200100-A        Lo Ni Va                           0
    2414        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2416        D663304-7        Lo Ni                              3
    2419        B865ABA-B        Hi Ga                              2        G
    2420        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    2421        X677000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    2423        E75A434-7        Ni Wa                              1        G
    2426        X879300-5        Lo Ni Lt                           3        G
    2431        X410000-0        Ba                                 0
    2432        B620899-7        De Na Po                           2        G
    2433        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2436        E100200-B        Lo Ni Va                           0
    2437        X410000-0        Ba                                 0
    2438        B85AADD-B        Hi Wa                              3
    2440        B777772-9        Ag Ga                              4        G
    2501        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2503        D84A368-6        Lo Ni Wa                           1
    2506        D410410-A        Ni                                 0
    2509        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2510        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              3        G
    2511        X723579-5        Ni Po Lt                           3        G
    2513        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0
    2520        E683546-3        Ni Lt                              3        G
    2522        X000000-0        As Ba                              0        G
    2524        EA95344-4        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        5        G
    2526        X8C4000-0        Ba Fl                              4
    2527        D400646-8        Na Ni Va                           0        G
    2530        X575155-4        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    2534        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2538        X522000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    2539        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2540        X310000-0        Ba                                 0
    2601        E632453-6        Ni Po                              2        G
    2603        B310545-E        Ni Ht                              0        G
    2604        E791499-7        Ni                                 5
    2606        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2608        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0
    2609        E7787AA-3        Ag Ga Lt                           3        G
    2610        B659778-9                                           2        G
    2611        D300400-A        Ni Va                              0
    2613        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2614        E570212-5        De Lo Ni Lt                        5        G
    2620        X736000-0        Ba                                 1        G
    2622        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2624        E200101-A        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    2626        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2628        E968349-3        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        2        G
    2630        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2632        C200630-A        Na Ni Va                           0
    2633        A3008CB-A        Na Va                              0
    2637        E886643-1        Ag Ni Ri Ga Lt                     1        G
    2638        E78048C-5        De Ni Lt                           5
    2639        CA9676A-3        Ag Ga Lt                           3
    2701        C6A1595-A        Fl Ni                              3
    2702        B310984-C        Hi In Na Ht                        0        G
    2705        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2711        X8C0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    2713        B985589-8        Ag Ni Ga                           4
    2717        X000000-0        As Ba                              0        G
    2718        E100566-8        Ni Va                              0        G
    2719        D793378-7        Lo Ni                              3
    2720        X8B0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    2721        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2723        E630422-8        De Ni Po                           4        G
    2724        X4A2000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    2726        D572424-4        Ni Lt                              3        G
    2727        E575356-5        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        4        G
    2729        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2732        X693000-0        Ba                                 2        G
    2733        X994200-4        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        5        G
    2734        X000000-0        As Ba                              0        G
    2735        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2737        B767865-6        Ri Ga                              3
    2803        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2807        A7329AB-A        Hi Na Po                           2        G
    2808        C410535-B        Ni                                 0        G
    2810        D553257-3        Lo Ni Po Lt                        3        G
    2814        X572322-3        Lo Ni Lt                           2        G
    2816        D100588-9        Ni Va                              0        G
    2818        D769337-8        Lo Ni                              3        G
    2822        E679521-5        Ni Lt                              2
    2824        X6515A8-2        Ni Po Lt                           4        G
    2826        E6206A7-7        De Na Ni Po                        2        G
    2831        A775778-A        Ag Ga                              3        G
    2832        X5A2000-0        Ba Fl                              2        G
    2835        C640899-9        De Po                              4        G
    2836        C780859-8        De Ri                              5        G
    2838        E569567-6        Ni                                 3        G
    2840        X7A0000-0        Ba De                              3        G
    2901        X55A122-2        Lo Ni Wa Lt                        3        G
    2902        D776501-7        Ag Ni Ga                           4
    2903        B777565-B        Ag Ni Ga                           4        G
    2905        D100446-9        Ni Va                              0        G
    2906        B580974-C        De Hi Ht                           1        G
    2908        C310510-9        Ni                                 0        G
    2916        X7C0000-0        Ba De                              5
    2917        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2919        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2920        B7B0535-C        De Ni Ht                           5
    2921        E746356-7        Lo Ni Ga                           3
    2922        X410000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2923        X300000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    2924        C533679-9        Na Ni Po                           3        G
    2925        E996461-7        Ni Ga                              4        G
    2927        X64847C-4        Ni Ga Lt                           2
    2928        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    2931        D656652-2        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        3        G
    2934        X7A5000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    2935        E765669-4        Ag Ni Ri Ga Lt                     3        G
    2938        C9809BB-5        De Hi Lt                           5
    2940        E4A0555-A        De Ni                              4        G
    3001        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              1        G
    3003        C799530-7        Ni                                 3        G
    3004        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              4        G
    3005        B310986-A        Hi In Na                           0
    3006        X6B3000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    3007        A5679BA-D        Hi Ga Ht                           2        G
    3012        D620222-7        De Lo Ni Po                        1        G
    3013        X400000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    3014        X410000-0        Ba                                 0
    3015        X525000-0        Ba                                 1        G
    3016        D300620-8        Na Ni Va                           0
    3018        X747000-0        Ba Ga                              3        G
    3019        E400467-8        Ni Va                              0        G
    3021        C410431-8        Ni                                 0
    3023        B3106AC-C        Na Ni Ht                           0        G
    3024        D66458C-3        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        1        G
    3025        X626000-0        Ba                                 3        G
    3028        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              4
    3030        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    3031        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    3032        E610967-8        Hi In Na                           0        G
    3102        E899522-7        Ni                                 4        G
    3104        X684469-2        Ni Ga Lt                           4        G
    3105        X6B2000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    3108        E796458-5        Ni Ga Lt                           3        G
    3110        D410510-A        Ni                                 0        G
    3114        D670677-7        De Ni                              4
    3116        E786636-5        Ag Ni Ga Lt                        2        G
    3117        C98A633-7        Ni Wa                              3        G
    3118        B87A642-7        Ni Wa                              3
    3122        C551633-7        Ni Po                              2        G
    3125        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    3128        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    3129        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    3130        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    3134        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    3137        B697567-6        Ag Ni Ga                           3        G
    3201        X8B0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    3202        X3A0000-0        Ba De                              3
    3203        EAA1445-8        Fl Ni                              3        G
    3205        X310000-0        Ba                                 0        G
    3207        X577377-3        Lo Ni Ga Lt                        2        G
    3209        X000000-0        As Ba                              0
    3210        C786675-5        Ag Ni Ri Ga Lt                     3        G
    3211        X677000-0        Ba Ga                              3
    3212        X649356-5        Lo Ni Lt                           2        G
    3213        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    3214        X6A3000-0        Ba Fl                              3        G
    3218        X8C0000-0        Ba De                              5        G
    3221        X620000-0        Ba De                              2        G
    3222        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0        G
    3224        C8A0466-B        De Ni                              3        G
    3230        X9C1000-0        Ba Fl                              4        G
    3231        X572000-0        Ba                                 4        G
    3233        B6A085A-8        De                                 4        G
    3237        D200236-A        Lo Ni Va                           0        G
    3238        X100000-0        Ba Va                              0
    3240        X200000-0        Ba Va                              0
Here's the stats - there are 629 worlds in total in this sector. This shows the percentage of worlds that had the UWP values shown.

  Code     SP      Sz      At      H%     Pop      Gv      LL      TL              TC
   0              2.2     25.8    50.7    42.9    47.1    49.8    44.0      Ag    8.4
   1              6.7     11.1    4.0     1.3     3.0     2.7     0.8       As    2.2
   2              7.5     3.0     5.4     4.6     3.8     3.3     1.6       Ba    42.9
   3              12.7    4.5     4.0     7.0     6.0     4.0     2.4       De    13.8
   4              12.4    4.9     3.8     8.7     5.7     5.6     3.0       Fl    7.6
   5              15.1    8.4     6.8     9.1     6.5     6.2     5.6       Hi    5.4
   6              15.4    6.5     6.2     8.9     6.0     5.6     5.7       Ic    0.0
   7              11.9    7.3     4.9     7.2     7.3     4.6     7.0       In    1.4
   8              7.8     6.5     4.1     4.9     6.2     4.8     8.6       Lo    12.9
   9              5.7     5.7     4.3     3.8     2.4     4.9     6.2       Na    6.4
   A      3.3     2.5     11.1    5.7     1.0     2.2     3.2     7.6       Ni    39.6
   B      9.9             2.2             0.6     1.7     2.5     4.1       Po    5.4
   C      12.4            2.1             0.0     1.3     1.7     1.9       Ri    3.5
   D      12.4            0.3                     0.5     0.8     0.6       Va    23.5
   E      13.2            0.5                     0.2     0.2     0.5       Wa    5.7
   F                      0.0                     0.0     0.0     0.0       Ga    21.8
   G                                                      0.2     0.3       Ht    3.3
   H                                                      0.0     0.0       Lt    14.5
   J                                                      0.0     0.0
   K                                                      0.0     0.0
   L                                                      0.0     0.0
   X      48.8
   %      100     100     100     100     100     100     100     100

Here are the numbers of worlds that had each trade code:

   Ag      As      Ba      De      Fl      Hi      Ic      In      Lo      Na      Ni      Po      Ri      Va      Wa      Ga      Ht      Lt
   53      14     270      87      48      34      0       9       81      40     249      34      22     148      36     137      21      91

Points of interest:

- Obviously there are a lot more worlds that are Barren (uninhabited) now, but not for the reason you'd expect. What seems to be happening is that we have the DM-1 for population if the world is not atm 5/6/8, coupled with the fact that you now roll 2d-7+pop for starport - this combination means that you have a lot more starport D/E/X worlds. The X starport worlds have a DM-4 on Tech Level (which I never saw the point of, personally), and more often than not this pushes the tech level way down below the environmental minimums - since we're reducing the population to 0 if the TL is below the Enviromental limit, we get more Barren worlds.

- As a result of the greater number of Barren worlds, inhabited worlds are generally separated by greater distances. Without drawing a map though, I can't really tell how much further apart they are on average.

- the Tech Levels are a lot more evenly distributed (above TL 0 anyway, which is a big peak because of the much greater number of uninhabited worlds), we don't have a huge peak around TL 8-10 anymore.

- we now have four pop B worlds here due to the +1 pop modifier for atm 5/6/8.
So now that you have done all three, I am curious. If you had to use the book and could not do your own system, which of the three variations would you use?

dafrca said:
So now that you have done all three, I am curious. If you had to use the book and could not do your own system, which of the three variations would you use?


Hard Science all the way :). It's not quite as strict as I would have liked, but it has its heart in the right place - it links population to habitability, starport to population, and produces realistic atmospheres. :)
EDG said:
dafrca said:
So now that you have done all three, I am curious. If you had to use the book and could not do your own system, which of the three variations would you use?


Hard Science all the way :). It's not quite as strict as I would have liked, but it has its heart in the right place - it links population to habitability, starport to population, and produces realistic atmospheres. :)
So now the only thing left to do is to sit down with a hex pad and map it out to see how the distances might impact things Jump wise.

dafrca said:
So now the only thing left to do is to sit down with a hex pad and map it out to see how the distances might impact things Jump wise.


Luckily for you I'm bored :).

Be warned, it's a very big image file. Might be better to rightclick the link below and save it as a file on your computer and open it from there.

Hard Science sector map (1.7 MB GIF file)

The grey hexes are the Barren worlds (starport X/pop 0/gov 0/law 0/tech 0).
EDG said:
Hard Science sector map (1.7 MB GIF file)

The grey hexes are the Barren worlds (starport X/pop 0/gov 0/law 0/tech 0).
From a cursory look at this map, I think that the feel of long-distance interstellar travel in such a universe would be similar to Alien rather than to the CT convention - you'd have to go through a number of uninhabited (and possibly badly explored) systems on your way to your destination. That would affect ship design as you'll need to stock up fuel and supplies for long trips... And you might want to make low berths completely safe and allow the computer to make the successive jumps themselves.

Alternatively, you might want to add (after the initial generation) outposts (POP 1-2, Starport-D or C) on or in orbit around some of these barren worlds which are sitting in strategic trade routes.
Lets compare these numbers to th ones generated by the defaut MGT worldgen system.

Starports: Starport-X is extremely more common under the HS rules (48.8% vs. 6.2%), and is made by them the most common starport type. Starport-E is somewhat more common than in the default system (13.2% vs. 9.5%). All other starport types are significantly rarer under the HS rules.

Size: Exactly the same; not affected by the Hard Science rules.

Atmosphere: Atmosphere 0 (vacuum) is FAR more common under the Hard Science rules in comparison to the default (25.8% vs. 10.8%). Atmosphere 1 is more common under the Hard Science rules in comparison to the default (11.1% vs. 4.8%). Atmospheres 2-6 are LESS common in the HS rules in comparison to the default. Atmospheres 7-9 are more or less similar to the default ones, though a bit lower in the HS rules in comparison to the defaults. atmosphere A is far more common in the HS rules than in the defaults (11.1% vs. 5.9%). Atmospheres B+ have the same probability in both systems.

In short, habitable worlds are significantly less common, especially habitable worlds with thin atmospheres. Vacuum rockballs are also far more common under the HS rules.

Hydrographics: Hydrographics 0 is far more common under the HS rules in comparison to the default ones (50.7% in comparison to 30.0%). All other hydrographic ratings are rarer in HS than in the default, though usually only by a few percents (this 20.4% increase in desert worlds is distributed more or less evenly between the other ratings).

Population: Population 0 is far more common under the HS rules in comparison to the defaults (42.9% vs. 2.9%). All other population ratings are significantly rarer than in the default system.

Government: Government 0 is far more common than in the default rules (47.1% vs. 11.9%). All other government types are significantly rarer than in the default, though at a brief glance the proportions between them look similar to the defaults.

Law Level: Law Level 0 is far more common than in the default rules (49.8% vs. 15.3%). All other law levels are significantly rarer than in the default, though at a brief glance the proportions between them look similar to the defaults.

Tech Level: Tech Level 0 is far, far more common than in the default rules (44.0% vs. 3.2%). All other tech levels are significantly rarer than in the default, and the probabilities for them are more evenly distributed than in the default system.

Trade Codes: Ag and De are a little less common under the HS rules while In is a little bit more common. Ba is much more common (42.9% vs. 2.9%). Na is somewhat less common under the HS rules (6.4% vs. 10.7%). Po is far less common under the HS rules (5.4% vs. 17.2%). Va is much, much more common under the HS rules (23.5% vs. 7.8%). Ht is far less common under the HS rules (3.3% vs. 1.1%) while Lt is a bit less common under the HS rules (14.5% vs. 18.6%). The other trade codes vary a little but are similar.
EDG said:
dafrca said:
So now the only thing left to do is to sit down with a hex pad and map it out to see how the distances might impact things Jump wise.


Luckily for you I'm bored :).

Be warned, it's a very big image file. Might be better to rightclick the link below and save it as a file on your computer and open it from there.

Hard Science sector map (1.7 MB GIF file)

The grey hexes are the Barren worlds (starport X/pop 0/gov 0/law 0/tech 0).
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

(That's Hiver short-hand for "I like it", btw).
EDG said:
Hard Science all the way :). It's not quite as strict as I would have liked, but it has its heart in the right place - it links population to habitability, starport to population, and produces realistic atmospheres. :)

Your still missing a quantifiable, Availability of exploitable resources. Which will have just as much as an effect on population as the gross habitability of a planet. y'all need to factor in the "human" element.

In general I would give this half the weight of the gross environment, with a much lower replacement rate..
Golan2072 said:
Lets compare these numbers to th ones generated by the defaut MGT worldgen system.

EDG said:
I've incorporated the Environmental TL Limits here - I've decided that for the Hard Science variant, if the TL is below the environmental limit then the population will be reduced to 0 (for the Default and Space Opera rules, if the generated TL is lower than the Environmental TL Limit then the TL will be increased to that limit).

Golan I think that this big difference in percentages is more to do with EDG reducing population to 0 if minimum environmental TL is not maintained for physical characteristics than the HS modifiers themselves. If he hadn't reduced the pop to 0 but increased the TL to the minimum required for the environment I'm sure the systems would be "more connected". IMO