Master Screen?


A question, is a Master Screen for LW in the plans? It would be nice to have a four panel m.s. with Saving Throws, CS, END and class features to refer to during game, esp. because this game is so different from the usual D&D we DMs are used to. Just a thought. I could probably do it myself, but it's a product I'd be willing to buy, even in pdf, and it shouldn't be too hard to do for you folks :-)
I'm back this one.
A GM screen would be cool. If possible, not in pdf but in a real "hard" paper with a nice illustration.

I think it can be possible especially having seen the wonderfull covers of both LW RpG, The Darklands and MoM!
If Mongoose won't make one, I'll probably do one myself just for my group, with the covers in front and tables in the back. Won't be as pretty as an official one, though.
This is a typical "me too" post. :P

I don't usually use game screens, as 95% of what I do is either in my head, or in incomprehensible scratchings on paper, but I'd buy a GM screen for LW.

However, I think the biggest challenge to making a screen for the LWRPG is what to put on it? Every class is totally unique, so any class info would take up too much room. There are no attacks of opportunity or other odd combat situations to keep track of per se, so the simplified combat is easy to omit. Perhaps the Phychic Combat table?

What information would be presented on the GM side of the screen?

Nerethel said:
What information would be presented on the GM side of the screen?

For me the most important is:

- combat summary
- psichic combat summary
- magical combat summary
- skill tables (some skills have DC tables)

And also:

- weapons and armour tables
- poisons and maladies table

So... A GM screen is worth the trouble for me! :wink:

Given the relative sparsity of appropriate screen info. in LW, an unusual approach might be called for. One thing I often do is type up rules summaries for whatever rpg I'm usually running, and simply print them off on thick stock, so they're ready at hand (more akin to "cheat sheets" I suppose). A ready-to-print .pdf of such summaries might be a cool thing, although such would be more likely to be a freebie, although it could certainly be published (and would be much cheaper to publish than a comparative GM's screen, which given it's unusual size, format, card stock, and full-colour printing, is a fairly expensive proposition).
Package such rules summaries with other cool bits-n-bobs, such as lots of character sheets, (because not all fans have access to the internet and Acrobat downloads), a few A4 or A3 colour maps or location plans (such as the Kai Monastery, for example), a small booklet of Adventure Seeds for the harried GM, and maybe a few short vignettes (or even a decent short adventure), and you might be hitting more bases. Alternatively, a nice "pocket-sized" screen might be an option, one much smaller than the usual, just large enough to display the summaries and a decent image, rather than some great monstrosity.
Just some thoughts.

I just dig GM screens, so I will add to the crowd. I agree with C. Chapman that it would be best as a package with many bonus items like maps and adventure booklets. I would pay quite a lot for that.
A GM screen would be welcomed. Weapons tables and equipment tables would be nice and some of the most common used DC values as well.
if a offical one is not coming ask prophet nicely on the slaine thread us slaine heads did and he did a brilliant job for us.just a idea :twisted:
I will try to build one if no one is pubblished...
on the player side
exp chart (so player can keep track of powers and talents) -good idea but only for the core rules classes-
combat table (all actions that a player can do during combat as a reminder)

on the GM side:
abilities: each ability has different uses.. a little reminder for the GM is useful
CD examples

if there is still place venoms and weapons and armors...
Guest Wolf said:
I will try to build one if no one is pubblished...
on the player side
exp chart (so player can keep track of powers and talents) -good idea but only for the core rules classes-
combat table (all actions that a player can do during combat as a reminder)

on the GM side:
abilities: each ability has different uses.. a little reminder for the GM is useful
CD examples

if there is still place venoms and weapons and armors...

I would really like to see a LW screen published in one way (pdf tables compilation) or another (a real screen with a nice illustration and a booklet to summarise all the tables! Woohaaa it would be soooo cool!).

But I have to admit that I dislike the screens with tables and writen stuff on the PLAYER side! For me it's like an heresy :wink: !
I prefer to see some nice illustration to stimulate the player's mind rather than a boring list of tables...
Players can take notes / make photocopies of the tables/rules they need.

Just my opinion... :P
Oh I second the request for this. I doubt it would be a hot hot seller tho. Most GM resources don't sell as well as player resources.