J. L. Brown
Cosmic Mongoose
I'm not really happy with the 'clusters of computers' rule in the Central Supply Catalog. In High Guard, ships computers take no tonnage and allow a Core/100 computer at TL 15; but this is impossible with the rules as written in CSC.
A TL 10 'Superior' computer/4 (the very best listed 'mid-sized' computer) masses 5 kg; figure about 1.6 liters -- that gives 8236 of them per dTon. They start at computer/4 and 13 doublings (2^13) is 8192 computers combined -- for a grand total of Bandwidth/17.
If we allow building clusters out of 'portable computers' then a TL 14 Computer/5 masses 0.5 kg. This is ten times better, but only gets us to 2^16 computers in a dTon -- maximum of Bandwidth/21.
A TL 10 'Superior' computer/4 (the very best listed 'mid-sized' computer) masses 5 kg; figure about 1.6 liters -- that gives 8236 of them per dTon. They start at computer/4 and 13 doublings (2^13) is 8192 computers combined -- for a grand total of Bandwidth/17.
If we allow building clusters out of 'portable computers' then a TL 14 Computer/5 masses 0.5 kg. This is ten times better, but only gets us to 2^16 computers in a dTon -- maximum of Bandwidth/21.