look for a good Character Gen


Hi guys looking for a Character Gen and i was wondering if anyone knew of one which includes all the stuff from the second edition

i now star stuff as one on his/her website but that as not been updated

can only one help?
yes like that one not a character sheet i have those

just wondering if anyone besides star stuff had done one or does anyone know if star stuff is planning to update his

i mostly uses it for making NPC character saves me having to write loads of stats out
I am planning to update www.starstuff.co.uk and the char gen but lifes been a bit crazy the last few months - I've recently moved house (after splitting with GF) and my work situation is undergoing some major changes so I've just not had time to do anything.

I have got the 2E rules and have had a quick flick through - TBH, I'm not sure if I like them or not. Some parts seem good (e.g. the new classes), but some bits I'm not so sure on (such as the teep rules and ship combat).

However, like I said, I've just skim read it so I may have got the wrong impression. I will read through the new edition in more depth soon - depending on what I think will really determine what I do with my char gen.
You could always run the 1st Ed and 2E char gens in parallel so people can choose which rules they play by.


EDIT: Besides, until we get a proper conversion document, we'll need ot for the Technomages.
In theory that's a good idea LBH, unfortunatley it means doing almost twice the work :shock: so I can only realistically do one or the other!
Ghost Dancer said:
In theory that's a good idea LBH, unfortunatley it means doing almost twice the work :shock: so I can only realistically do one or the other!

If you decide to run 2nd ed, then maybe someone else can take over the code for 1st ed. I don't think I'll be getting 2nd ed anytime soon.

Ghost Dancer said:
In theory that's a good idea LBH, unfortunatley it means doing almost twice the work :shock: so I can only realistically do one or the other!

Surely you could just leave the 1st ed one standing as is, and develop the 2E one from now on.

If the code isn't too big to host I can stick it up on my website for you.

Hosting is not a problem (but thanks for the offer).

If I do go the 2E route then the old version will still be available but I probably wouldn't update it - I will only really hve time to work on one or the other.

I will hopefully have time to read through 2E in detail this weekend so I'll come to a decision one way or another.
Ghost Dancer said:
If I do go the 2E route then the old version will still be available but I probably wouldn't update it - I will only really hve time to work on one or the other.

That's all I'm asking for, leave the 1E one available at least.

THanks for the Char gen BTW, it rocks.
