Limited Extreme Attributes

I see no reason why what follows can't be done, but figuring out how might be a problem even after I get my hands on eferything:

"Don't make Trok angrey. You wouldn't like trok when he's angry...." That's because when Trok is angered or outraged by something he sees or something done to one of friends (but not to himself....), his STR triples from its normal 16 to a whopping 48! His strength will remain at that level until something happens to allow him to calm down. Unlike a true Berserker, Trok retains his full mental faculties, meaning he will continue to act and fight intelligently even in the grip of fury. When he does calm down, he is so exhausted that he will need to rest doing nothing for four to six hours or get three uniterrputed hours of sleep before he can again act normally, in addition to eacting a good meal.

Another variation comes from a song on the Heather Alexander album Songsmith:

"Don't call my name in battle -- it's not wise....
For when the war God fills this flesh I wear
I am no more your friend -- I am the Spirit of the Bear!"

THis is a somewhat more classical berserker, who accpets a Spirit of battle and Revenge into his body in battle, which increases his strength, endurance and fighting skills but clouds his judgment. Such a person will attack anyone who looks like a threat and contionue attacking them until they are no lonnger in a position to menace him -- even if they were allies or bystanders. The Spirit decides when it will depart the person -- which may be later than the person would want -- and may have golas of its own that are inimical to those of the host.
Michael Hopcroft said:
I see no reason why what follows can't be done, but figuring out how might be a problem even after I get my hands on eferything:

"Don't make Trok angrey. You wouldn't like trok when he's angry...." That's because when Trok is angered or outraged by something he sees or something done to one of friends (but not to himself....), his STR triples from its normal 16 to a whopping 48! His strength will remain at that level until something happens to allow him to calm down. Unlike a true Berserker, Trok retains his full mental faculties, meaning he will continue to act and fight intelligently even in the grip of fury. When he does calm down, he is so exhausted that he will need to rest doing nothing for four to six hours or get three uniterrputed hours of sleep before he can again act normally, in addition to eacting a good meal.

Another variation comes from a song on the Heather Alexander album Songsmith:

"Don't call my name in battle -- it's not wise....
For when the war God fills this flesh I wear
I am no more your friend -- I am the Spirit of the Bear!"

THis is a somewhat more classical berserker, who accpets a Spirit of battle and Revenge into his body in battle, which increases his strength, endurance and fighting skills but clouds his judgment. Such a person will attack anyone who looks like a threat and contionue attacking them until they are no lonnger in a position to menace him -- even if they were allies or bystanders. The Spirit decides when it will depart the person -- which may be later than the person would want -- and may have golas of its own that are inimical to those of the host.

I've been tinkering with Heroic Abilities (things that cost less hero points than Legendeary Abilities). Make something like this cost Hero Points (say 3) OR requires a Hero Point to be Activated.

Also, since Skills will be affected by the Strength bump, have you thought of a flat Modifier, so its easier to update skills based on Str? Say +30%?
