Leshath class Scout...


I noticed the Leshath class scout is not in the Minbari Factbook. I am usin the Tigara stats with the following changes.
Sensor +15, SQ (add) ELINT, 15 Sensor Operators
2 Anti Matter Cannons 1 Right, 1 Left
14 Fusion Cannons 4 Front, 4 Rear, 3 Left, 3 Right
So what do you guys think.
Just checked the Babylon 5 Wars sheet for the Leshath and yeah it looks right unless they put stats in for the Electro-Pulse Gun in the RPG (no I haven't read the book yet, been busy).
The Leshath should have the:
2 Electro-Pulse Guns 1 Right, 1 Left
and not the Anti Matter Cannons. My mistake. The medicine the doctor has me on strikes again.
Hey at least it's a minor mistake, oh and I just checked the fire arcs for them and according to the AOG version it's front and facing side.
I was trying to keep it like the rest of the vessels in the Minbari fact book. I did not know if they were keeping it simple or if they were trying to give the Minbari vessels in the book better firing arcs to show there advanced technology. What do you guys think?
I have to say I feel that Minbari usually keep all their weapons on the front of their ships. That's the main disadvantage of the Sharlin - it has to have you in front of it to hit you it seems. This isn't a problem when you jump in with 500 of the bloody things though! Even the Whitestar has only forward firing weapons.
Actually from what I've seen the Minbari put all their big weapons either facing the front or back, hit em on a side they only have light weapons that do better as anti-shot/anti-fighter/support weapons.
I have to say I feel that Minbari usually keep all their weapons on the front of their ships. That's the main disadvantage of the Sharlin
Dont get behind a Sharlin because it has 2 Neutron Lasers to the Rear also. I did not even count all the Fusion Cannons.
The Problem is, to outmanouver the Sharlin with a ship, which can hurt a Sharlin. :P
And the 48 Nials aren´t bad neither. 8)

** Edit ** And which Ship can survive long enougth to outmanouver a Sharlin. ** Edit **
Actually a Sharlin only has 24 fighters, but there is a Minbari carrier that holds 48 Nials. An integrated Minbari fleet is a scary sight, even a bunch of Sharlins is just evil to deal with.
Sorry, my fault. :oops:

Where was my head yesturday ? :shock:

But even 24 Nials were a good match for a "regular" combat with a Sharlin.
Letann Scout
Sensor +11, SQ ELINT, 8 Fusion Cannons 4 Front, 2 Rear, 1 Right & 1 Left
AOG says this is a variant of the Tinashi but if it came into service in 2-2- an the Tinashi in 2052. Would not the Tinashi be a variant of the Letann?
The Date 2052 is the time, when this configuration of a Tinashi appear.

The Tinashi-Hull is in use since the last Shadow War.

The Tinashi now in use is the most common Tinashi, but there can be other Tinashis around with another weaponload, which are much older as 200 Years.
Goldritter said:
The Date 2052 is the time, when this configuration of a Tinashi appear.

The Tinashi-Hull is in use since the last Shadow War.

The Tinashi now in use is the most common Tinashi, but there can be other Tinashis around with another weaponload, which are much older as 200 Years.

It should also be remembered that AoG listed ships as variants of the base hull (ie the first published hull) rather than of the historical base hull.

For instance the Hyperion Theta doesn't have a listed availability because it is the base hull as far as the game is concerned (the show era Hyperion), though neither does the Hyperion Alpha it must be said though the Gamma (Assault) is listed as a Common (ie unlimited) variant.