Hi all, i'll be competing in the upcoming Vassal Campaign as the League worlds...
I've limited experience with them and only have battlefield experience with the Drazi..
So i seek your wisdom!
If you could recommend one ship per priority level from the entire League fleets (Abbai,Vree,Brakiri,Drazi and Raiders) what would they be?
Also, this will be my first campaign experience. How should i break down the 10PT Battle points, in terms of priority levels?
Your help is appreciated, thanks
I've limited experience with them and only have battlefield experience with the Drazi..
So i seek your wisdom!
If you could recommend one ship per priority level from the entire League fleets (Abbai,Vree,Brakiri,Drazi and Raiders) what would they be?
Also, this will be my first campaign experience. How should i break down the 10PT Battle points, in terms of priority levels?
Your help is appreciated, thanks