Kiln Publications?


Anyone know what's happened to these guys?
Their site's effectively down (jusat has their logo & a hit counter, no other content).
Also, last I heard, I thought several products were supposed to be out by now.
Anyone have some insight into this?

Due to general lack of interest for the OGL line, Kiln Publications is not going to put out any product. Sorry to everyone that was interested in it but for all the time that would go into designing these products and having a full time job it really isn't feasible...
Just an FYI - a lot of the "fluff" material for OGL CyberNet that I created/co-wrote with Don at Kiln Publications will soon be released for free at I am in the process of re-writing the entire Timeline of Events to better suit my personal vision and ongoing cyberpunk campaign that I created while scoring the CyberNet Official RPG Soundtrack. Once the re-write is complete it'll then need to be coded for the web but it should be up before GenCon-Indy. Look for all new "modern/sci-fi/cyberpunk" music to accompany the new site as well!

First, to Kiln Publ.: Crap! I completely understand, however, it bothers me. I was really looking forward to seeing your Cyberpunk material. (Btw do you have anythng lyng around that should have been published? It would be a shame to let it go to waste)

Second, to Bailey: Rock on! Looking forward to it. Keep us/me updated. Please.
sonny sixshooter said:
Second, to Bailey: Rock on! Looking forward to it. Keep us/me updated. Please.

Thanks Sonny. I'll surely keep everyone on this forum posted regarding, the 2087 Campaign Setting Soundtrack (music to accompany the setting), and so on.

The re-write is well underway and will be full of some new surprises for even those originally involved with the project (namely Don at Kiln Publications and graphic design artists Todd "Taz" Zircher, Steve Patton, and Jason "Tigereye" Seabaugh).


- Bryan
Yeah, it's too bad that things didn't work out. But it is really cool that you guys will be making what material you have available online. I was looking forward to the 2087 stuff.
After having a very nice chat with someone I have decided that Kiln Publications will go on, the only catch is that it will begin in 2006. I want to make sure the products that I do solicit are done before I announce them since I have not been very good with that in the past and I want to make a fresh new start. Check out the site for more info....
kiln publications said:
before I announce them since I have not been very good with that in the past and I want to make a fresh new start. Check out the site for more info....

I'm still open to doing something related to OGL WW or the Western genre anyways. Wish you the best neverless.
Hey everyone. Please head over to for a small glimpse of things to come from the re-worked Universe87 Campaign Setting (fluff compatible with OGL CyberNet and any other Modern/Sci-Fi game set in an alternate-Earth future). Universe87 is based on the ideas I originally co-created for Kiln Publications for the 2087 book BUT it has been drastically changed to better suit my personal vision. Artwork is still by Don Pedicini Jr. of Kiln Publications and several other key contributors but ALMOST 100% of the material will be based on my design (instead of the original collaboration) and it should be available by GenCon-Indy 2005!
Just to let everyone know as well, Kiln Publications will be putting out their own futuristic campaign setting for 2006 which will be gritty, grimy and dark.... see you will get two different visions from one initial project which is great because you are getting more material now in the long run to play with. Prepare to be Hard Wired!
kiln publications said:
Due to general lack of interest for the OGL line, Kiln Publications is not going to put out any product. Sorry to everyone that was interested in it but for all the time that would go into designing these products and having a full time job it really isn't feasible...
Hmmm... I'm sorry to hear that, as the mentioned OGL Steampunk, OGL Ancients, and OGL Wild West material was the stuff I was most interested in seeing. Unfortunately, cyberpunk is a genre I have absolutely no interest in, so my level of interest was in upcoming publications rather than your current catalog.
Jason, never fear those three books have not been forgotten. I am jut going over my notes to see what I am going to do with each of them before I announce anything. I want to have things done before announcing them to make up for before. Those three books are in the scheme of things...
sonny sixshooter said:
Second, to Bailey: Rock on! Looking forward to it. Keep us/me updated. Please.

Hey guys... Stratos of Bailey Records here (under my new username)...

The Universe87 Campaign Setting Soundtrack is finally available (although only via download from

It's 17 tracks logging in at nearly 79 minutes so buy an 80-minute CD and features printable full-color artwork by Jason Seabaugh & Todd Zircher.

I personally have written 8 new songs that tie in with themes and styles from the previous OGL CyberNet Soundtrack. In addition, I've combed the globe and got some of the best remixers around to re-work material from the CyberNet Soundtrack and really make them all shiney (to borrow a phrase). One such remixer is my pal Capt. Futura who not only remixed two songs but contributed an original titled "Pattern Recognitions".

About the download format... I wanted to keep it as high-quality as possible. In order to do so I broke the album in half and made it two $5.00 files to purchase and download at your leisure. Buy #1 and you get mostly my originals and remixes by Capt. Futura. Buy #2 and you get mainly CyberNet Soundtrack remixes with a few originals for good measure. Buy them both and burn them to a CD like you're suppose to and you'll have a nearly-80-minute instrumental utopia for playing those cyberpunk / modern / sci-fi campaigns!

And best of all... if you like "cut tracks" and "bonus material" we've got that too. Over the course of the next couple months (and we'll remind you here), we'll be releasing alternate mixes, "lost" songs, and stuff that honestly just did not fit on our full-length album.

So, clear off your iPod or bu a couple 80-minutes CDRs because the Universe87 Campaign Setting Soundtrack is here!
Jason Durall said:
kiln publications said:
Due to general lack of interest for the OGL line, Kiln Publications is not going to put out any product. Sorry to everyone that was interested in it but for all the time that would go into designing these products and having a full time job it really isn't feasible...
Hmmm... I'm sorry to hear that, as the mentioned OGL Steampunk, OGL Ancients, and OGL Wild West material was the stuff I was most interested in seeing. Unfortunately, cyberpunk is a genre I have absolutely no interest in, so my level of interest was in upcoming publications rather than your current catalog.
Jason, one more thing what types of things are you looking for? Adventures, settings, NPC's????