sarum said:
Thanks for that. How long is a turn in ACTA?
Just shorter than a piece of string
There's no statement of turn length given in the game. Anyone who says its the same as the RPG, please form an orderly queue top be taken out and shot - the ground scale is not compatible for starters (1" is about 1000km - the Whitestar can cover 15" in a turn, so 15,000km or 15,000,000m, or about half a light second. Now on a six second turn, that would mean the Whitestar is maintaining about 10% of the speed of light, no dice matey). Take it to 1 minute turns and we're getting closer. (Though the ground scale of ACtA is way out of whack with what we see in the series but bears a close resemblence to that of Battle Fleet Gothic...).
sarum said:
Can other race reduce that waiting time?
Not in ACtA, but if you can find the stats for the prior B5Wars game, you'll note that different ships have different jump delays; Minbari delays are shorter than Earth ships, Vorlons and Shadows are a lot shorter. Bigger ships jump quicker than smaller ships (in general), and higher tech ships jump quicker.
A six second turn actually works with the hypothesized ground scale of B5Wars (3km hexes), so a Hyperion has a jump delay of 24 turns, an Omega 20, a Primus or Vorchan 16, a G'Quan 20, a Whitestar 24 and a Sharlin 10 turns! And the Vorlon Heavy Cruiser 8 turns, and the Shadow Cruiser 8. The Walkers of Sigma 957 can jump in and out in 6 turns, but they're very special...