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Trying to get the thread on a more positive note than of late... :D

Johnny Caliber pitched this question at his message board - and i fink at the other Dredd group ages back. Its hypothetical but good to get the brainworks burning... say that a RPG company - any company - was publishing JDRPG and the game was successful enough to warrant a boxed set, what would you - if you were editor - put in it? The rulebook has already been done, as has the Justice Department sourcebook. What would you stuff the box with to really make it a value-packed 'must have' for players and gamemasters?
Off the top of my head...

"The little book of crime blitzes"

A small softcover book with a couple of hundred apartments, sorted by wealth level, complete with simple map, (would't need to be large, a couple of square inches), info on the occupants, and the crimes they might have commited (perhaps with the tests and DCs required to find the evidence.

Mind you, that's something we could create here...

Something similar for patrol incidents, perhaps?

A random radio-report generator, to produce oodles of useless little radio snippets for patrolling judges to overhear, whether it be simple traffic accidents, frak weather, heists in progress or escaped dinosaurs/alien zoo animals. Something to help create the much needed impression that there are a hundred and one things going on in the megacity that have nothing to do with the players (althogh it can always be used to generate an impromptu encounter)

Miniatures-scale floorplans - like the old Citi-block or Slaughter Margin stuff.

A random citizen generator for when the PCs are questioning witnesses etc, or you need info about perps/victims in a hurry for an improvised scene. The comics and older JD stuff is full of citizens who have very quirky sounding jobs like "Unemployed Greep-Throttler" or "Junior Munce-Crammer" but coming up with that sort of stuff on the fly isn't easy.
1) The Floor plans from the old GW game with an expanded guide to block life with a booklet book that describes a generic block.

2) A GMs and Players guide to Citizens. A detailed book exploring the varied peoples of MC-1 and how they live, including entertainments.

3) More Crazes and the Crazies you crave them....

4) Weapons (and gear) of Dredd. The one failing of the Mongoose game is an absolute lack of equipment for citizens. The rifles section is shocking, consisting of no standard rifles.

5) Citizens of Repute and Reknown. A collection of NPCs from Criminals (still alive) through to celebrities, to replace the rather less than usefull Most Wanted (or Mostly Dead).
hassanisabbah said:
1) The Floor plans from the old GW game with an expanded guide to block life with a booklet book that describes a generic block.[/qoute]

Floor plans are always a great thing to have when roleplaying as they bring the imagination to life and are excellent for sorting out those problems of who is facing where and doing what!

2) A GMs and Players guide to Citizens. A detailed book exploring the varied peoples of MC-1 and how they live, including entertainments.
I pitched this at Mongoose before I began work on Rookies Guide to Crazes but it was turned down. It really is the citizens of Mega-City One who make the Dredd strip what it is and a detailed look at how they interact, live and die would be an invalueble reference book.

3) More Crazes and the Crazies you crave them....
Well there are a lot more than the few I had the space to cover in my last book, I would have loved to include bite fighting, aeroball, spitting, sex and more but didnt have the space!

4) Weapons (and gear) of Dredd. The one failing of the Mongoose game is an absolute lack of equipment for citizens. The rifles section is shocking, consisting of no standard rifles.

I do agree that any Dredd game needs more equipment for citizens who get a bum deal when it comes to the all powerful weapons and equipment of the Justice Department, often making them little more than cannon fodder!

5) Citizens of Repute and Reknown. A collection of NPCs from Criminals (still alive) through to celebrities, to replace the rather less than usefull Most Wanted (or Mostly Dead).

The only real problem with Judge Dredd is that he is so tough anyone who comes into contact with him normally ends up in the cubes or dead, so recurring characters tend to be very uncommon in the strip, with a couple of noteable exceptions of course.

There is lots of scope for the worlds of Dredd that hasn't even been touched as of yet, the Cursed Earth, Dark Judges, Luna-1, etc, and all this would be more than welcomed :)

I was thinking more made up villians and TV celebrities..... Such as Britney Speared, Johhny Idiot of Channel 247 News - that kind of thing.... :shock:
hassanisabbah said:
I was thinking more made up villians and TV celebrities..... Such as Britney Speared, Johhny Idiot of Channel 247 News - that kind of thing.... :shock:

I know that John was working on a Debbie Does Mega-City One story for Mongoose that he eventually turned into a strip that is currently on the official 2000AD website and that was cool.

I have tonnes of characters on my hard drive just waiting to be finished, from news and Tri-d stars such as Marty from The Blockers (as seen in the Crazes book) and someday when i get the time I will finish these off and post them on Dredd Times.

Were they presented? How were they received by the audience? What was the general feel for the RPG in general?

I wish I could have been there, but unfortunately there is this massive pond between me and there.

Are their any discussion forums or anything planned for GenCon Indy? I'm definitely going, but since I know certain people at Mongoose like dangling tempting carrots in front of us... are their any carrots for GenCon?
