Heh, well, I've just read through it and it does sound like a lot of fun. If you were starting with level 3 players (freshly graduated) then it'd be a very nice introduction to so many of the features.
It could do with being fleshed out a little with some flavor text and more information (for the GM) on things the players could and should do at the big accident. For example, it'd be nice to have some info on how many rounds before the fire reaches the gasoline and explodes, but the ideas in here are really good.
I know you had mentioned that you hadn't had time to "polish" it, and to be honest, that's really all this adventure needs.
I would like to see messages from control to direct players, like "Control to all Judges in the vicinity of skedway 320 exit ramp 47. We have a 5, no make that 6, car pile-up". To which the players should respond something like "Control, Judge ***** responding." or "Control, this is Judge *****, we're on it."
The adventure did end a little abruptly, though it does make sense, and so it'd be nice to have some ending text to send them back to their barracks with.
If I get a chance, I might try to flesh it out a little, but I really do like it. Great job. You'll have to let me know what you run for your players next as you have me hooked now