Playtester_Gedak said:
I would be nice to see a companion Book of the Firmament (by Adrian).
Are you volunteering me, sir?
The trouble with Heaven from a game book perspective is that it is, at least in Western cosmology, really rather featureless. It contains light, angels, God, and not much in the way of varied landscape, because it's pure sublimity and joy. (This is why John Milton found it so challenging to write about in Paradise Lost.) Redemption is redemption, without preferential degrees, so there's no need for differentiation. Yes, there are singular features, such as the Blessed City, the Garden, the Presence of the Name and so on, but since all good people get the same rewards, it's not as territorial as Hell.
Hell, by contrast, has varying degrees of punishment, corresponding to varying degrees of sin. This makes for different environments, which inm turn makes for an interesting gazetteer. There are nine circles, or some similar arrangement. The sheer variety of punishments for the damned is enough to make a book in itself. Wood of Suicides, Lake of Fire, Channels of Plutus, etc. etc.
So, I'm not saying a Firmament book couldn't be done, but it would be a lot more challenging, and you'd also have to consider to whom it could be useful. Story depends on conflict. A hostile force isn't supposed to be able to get anywhere NEAR Heaven, much less assault it, so it makes it hard to plan for such things.
But, you never know...