I got my copies of the LWRPG books and it came quite as a shock to me.
The first reason was that I just LOVED the stuff, the way the background was detailed, and How I could throw my player in Magnamund, and so on.
The second reason was that the rpg system seemed TOTALLY ALIEN AND BEYOND COMPREHENSION to me... But, then, I cam across TOTS and the community, and, though I didn't post that muche, I learned a LOT. Moreover, I simply advise you to keep on going through the core rulebook again and again, and things appear clearer and clearer. For magic, this was really crucial. Hang on, and you'll see, the D20 system adaptation to LWRPG is quite simple, in fact, but it's presented in a way that makes it LOOK complicated : many rules are explained several times, at various places in the book, but in slightly different words, which may sometime being rather confusing and contradictory. But with a little bit more time, the rules appear really clearly.
I must admit that I had a hard time figuring how to use properly the occult skill, and how to comine it with the magical attack roll. Also, the different categories of actions you can make during combat are logical, though not presented logically (to me, and I'm a legal advisor...). Same thing for the summary of physical status and combat terms : it's a section where everything is mixed up, but it's a very thorough study of important combat issues...
But now, it's pure fun !
Enjoy and hang on !!