I am SO Happy


Our local Sci/Fi, Fantasy, Gaming Convention is coming up just around the corner and I'm doing a couple ACTA demos for it. I love the game and want to spread it to more people as its not all that popular (yet) in my area.

When it comes to Cons I never really pay that much attention to who the guests are because I seldom get excited about them. Just not my thing.

Until this year.

Who is one of the guests?

Claudia Christian. I just learned this yesterday and was struck speechless. And I'm still stunned.

A weekend of ACTA + Claudia. There are some things in life that are better than this, but not many.

Fargo, ND

October 13 -15

And, I'll certainly try and get some pics and whatever I get - photos, conversation, etc. I will most certainly share.