The temptress has many social abilities, lots of class skills and skill points, a few sneak attack dice, and is weak in traditional combat. An effort seems to have been made to give more variant rules on average to the temptress multiclass options than other multiclass options.
However, one of the abilities of the temptress class struck me as very troublesome (as did some of the multiclass abilities to a lesser degree). Art of Distraction is an ability gained at 5th level that renders an opponent flat-footed if the temptress beats him in an opposed Bluff vs. Sense Motive check. The temptress should win this check almost all the time, especially since she has another class ability available at 4th level that allows her to add her temptress level to Bluff checks.
Art of Distraction can be used as a free action, and although most GM's probably wouldn't allow it to be used more than once each round on the same opponent, it doesn't say anything about not being able to use it on other opponents in the same round. There is no range stated in the ability, nor does it say what kind of opponents are affected by it, which suggests all kinds of opponents.
Almost automatically making an opponent flat-footed every round means that the temptress (and her allies) can use full Power Attack and Sneak Attack with all her attacks, unless the opponent has Uncanny Dodge or Reflexive Parry. And she may be able to use it on other combatants in the same round as well. Lastly, since there is no reason not to use it, this will result in opposed checks every round of every combat, which will slow down combat.
Raven: I suspect you might be interested in the role of this class as well as the mechanics, so if you tell me what in particular you're wondering about, it would be easier to give you my impression.
Yogah: I haven't seen anything yet in the book suggesting it's for NPC's only.