Nope, never read the DaVinci Code, although I've heard it's a good story.
But you're right about the 'theories' aspect...
No-one can know now what happened then, I was just trying to make
the point that it's not all as cut and dried as many people think. Most
people just take it as verbatim, however even church scholars are
beginning to admit that many of the 'Jesus' stories are not based in
fact - rather they have been subsumed from older 'pagan' religions
to assist Christianity in overcoming resistance.
I did read an interesting take on the story about the creating of
loaves & fishes, and water into wine story the other day. Some
schools of thought say that this was for his own wedding. Cool -
definitely cut down on the catering bill.
Cheers, have a great day.
PS. This is in fact an area of interest for me, and as such I have done
a heck of a lot of reading on the subject. (Including reading the bible.)
I also must admit to the fact that the more I read about 'organised'
religion, the less enthused I become about it. It seems to me to be
mostly about control, rather than living a worthy life.
So, as you can see - I recognise & can admit my own bias'. At the
same time I consider myself a spiritual person, albeit an idealistic one
who wishes that humanity didn't have to get in it's own way so much
of the time!
BullBear said:
Hmm, has a certain guest been reading The Da Vinci Code?
Which was written as a work of fiction.
Suggest you keep up on your reading then...
Modern scholars do not in fact think he even died on the cross.
Something to do with the fact that it normally took 3 days to die
from being crucified.
Apart from that, most of what Jesus is reputed to have done has
actually been stolen from earlier stories of other great personages.
eg John the Baptist...& even back to people within the Egyptian Cult
of Isis.
Well, I'm by no means an expert, but from basic reading, one can tell there's several theories floating out there. Not all Modern scholars subscribe to this one. Not only that, but it's disturbing how this guest is assured the works of Jesus was stolen. Highly doubtful. Everything is posted with certainty, and this kind of one sided certainty in a theological conversation usually comes from limited background knowledge.
I suggest we all do a little more reading...