How to get an Excalibur mini without going to GenCon...


To everyone like me who cannot go to Origin nor GenCon but would love to get their hands on the Excalibur, the Victory-class Destroyer seen in Crusade, well all you have to to is subsbcribe to Signs & Portents for 24 months and you'll receive it as a bonus. I received an e-mail stating that I'm the first one to do so. Just a pointer for those who haven't seen the announcement yet.


P.S.: Dag'Nabbit, here's your chance !
I'll be next, as soon as I find the money and get assurances the mags are sufficiently protected for our postal service not to destroy them.

Like I said to my mates the first time we watched ACTA and saw the Victory and Excalibur

"I gotta get me one of those!"

cool, thanks LBH, I should have thought about it being on the websight, that only makes since afterall. :oops:

Hmmm, some times I even amaze myself.
lastbesthope said:
I'll be next, as soon as I find the money and get assurances the mags are sufficiently protected for our postal service not to destroy them.
As I said elsewhere, the mag's packaging is very good and none of my issues were ever damaged because of shipping.

Eryx said:
I think I'll wait and try to score one on EBay after the con.
That's another great way to get it, Eryx. Good luck!
frobisher said:
redlaco said:
Eryx said:
I think I'll wait and try to score one on EBay after the con.
That's another great way to get it, Eryx. Good luck!

If you have a quick peruse over at you'll find another way that won't involve paying inflated ebay prices ;)

Couldn't spot it on the website frobisher, could you tighten that location a little for me.


LBH (Very tired, yawn!)
lastbesthope said:
Couldn't spot it on the website frobisher, could you tighten that location a little for me.

I can't give you a direct link (that would really be against the spirit of the offer, you'll see what I mean when you find it...)

But if you go to "Forums", then "General Discussion", click "Show All Threads" and look for the thread "Dig out all those Victory - Excalibur SCSs" somewhere in messages 21-40 your answer can be found.

I've said this before (in a different context) but Bruce (Agent1) is a very nice guy...
Ouch! Just read the thread over at B5Wars... $25 a figure!? Thats like £12 for me, and thats a hell of a lot of money for one figure. Even the acursed Games Workshop doesn't sell its single mini's for that sort of price!

Oh well. Although I want one, at that price I don't think it will happen.
Eryx said:
Ouch! Just read the thread over at B5Wars... $25 a figure!? Thats like £12 for me, and thats a hell of a lot of money for one figure. Even the acursed Games Workshop doesn't sell its single mini's for that sort of price!

Oh well. Although I want one, at that price I don't think it will happen.

Fair enough - but it's not a small miniature and GW do charge that for single figures... Just take a look at what they charge for their BFG capital ships which are comparable size. And those don't have a licence fee involved with them.
frobisher said:
Eryx said:
Ouch! Just read the thread over at B5Wars... $25 a figure!? Thats like £12 for me, and thats a hell of a lot of money for one figure. Even the acursed Games Workshop doesn't sell its single mini's for that sort of price!

Oh well. Although I want one, at that price I don't think it will happen.

Fair enough - but it's not a small miniature and GW do charge that for single figures... Just take a look at what they charge for their BFG capital ships which are comparable size. And those don't have a licence fee involved with them.

Indeed. The Excalibur is the equivalent of a Retribution battleship, so the price compares very favourably.

In general, you should always find that our miniatures prices come in just under those of GW's.
Fair play, but it is still a lot of money for a single figure.

Shame, because I really want one.

How long will the 24 month subscription plus mini be available?

OK, I all ready have a one year subscription. Do I need to get another two year subscription in order to qualify or can I extend my present subcription? It's only a few months old. :?

OK, OK, so I'm cheap.
I already asked that in another thread. The answer was you will need to get another subscription, because they can't keep track of extening current subscriptions. :(
OK, thanks for the answer. Hmm...OK, so if I were to order another subscription now, would they automatically add it to the one I all ready have, or would I have two subscriptions running concurrently.

If you don't have the answer I'll just go bug Mongoose. 8)
Alright chaps and chapesses, here I come once more with the info.

Mongoose are going to run a subscription coupon in Issue 12 of S&P. I found this out from Mark Humphries over at Mongoose when I mailed them. (And what a helpful bloke he is too). He sent me a word copy of the subscription form so I could deal with it all before Issue 12 came out. Having looked at the form you can nominate the issue your subscription starts (default is next available issue) and Mark said there was no trouble starting on previous, current or future issue numbers. There is also a spot on the form to indicate whether you are a current subscriber or not.

I'm gonna start mine at Issue 13 methinks (keeps it to a whole number of years) and I am SOOOOO going for the 2 yr with free Excalibur miniature! But I need to wait till I get paid on Monday!
