I'm writing up an overview of EF Intelligence Services and this question keeps popping into my head; how much did Clarke know about his allies? We've seen Morden acting as a go-between with senators and the Psi-Corps but did he act as a cut-out with Clarke? I've always felt that Clarke probably did know who the Shadows were and probably had met with them, simply because I like the idea of him being an active, knowing member of what he was involved in rather than a dupe. I'd assume that he didn't know the background of the Shadow/Vorlon conflict like, say, Justin. However, it would make sense that he would want to meet his allies directly, especially if he was basically going to be thier servant. I'd suspect that a couple of Shadows phasing into view behind Morden as he talks about how Clarke will "rule an Empire bigger than the Centauri ever had" while subjugating the lesser races (always took Clarke as a bit of a speciesist) under the yoke of EF would be attractive to him. "Now, let me send a bunch of Shadows to teach you our tech for the next 10 years" (joke to ShadowScout, don't hit me!).
What say you all?
What say you all?