Hi-res Far Trader deckplans anyone?


Hi everyone!
Does anyone of you has high quality deck plans for the Far Trader ship from the Mongoose Rulebook?
I searched on the internet but found nothing but custom configuration ones or from older editions and even if I'm well aware I could use these anyway I was wondering if there was a more Mongoose-like one.

And of course I am aware of the "official" low-res "hi-res" deckplans pdfs. :?

A related question: I noticed that these older edition plans have the air/raft included in the ship standard configuration.
Being completely newbie about older editions and about Traveller, why the air/raft is not included anymore?

I've never seen a high res Mgt edition deck plan for that ship. As far as no air/raft? Just a preference of whatever editor worked on the book. No other significance.
Not sure what you mean by hi-res. Do you mean with sample deck fittings/tables/bunks/command consoles, etc? There are a ton of things out there. I just did a Google search and found a number of variants.

Don't worry too much about variant free traders. The design has been highly customized by captains everywhere. It's part of what gives them better flavor.

I also highly recommend checking out Ian's website. He does some excellent illustrations of Traveller vehicles - https://biomassart.wordpress.com/category/traveller/

As to the air/raft question, do you mean they aren't including it in the ship's tonnage for MGT free traders, or something else?
Neither the Free Trader nor Far Trader in MGT include an Air/Raft. Most prior editions' versions of those two ships DO include an Air/Raft.

If you wanted to add an Air/Raft to them, just remove half the rated armor. Four points is a lot on a purely civilian design.
phavoc said:
Not sure what you mean by hi-res. Do you mean with sample deck fittings/tables/bunks/command consoles, etc?
No, I don't care about these details, I'm just interested in the ship layout, like in the CRB deckplans.

For hi-res I mean a version than can be printed in an A4 sheet without being crappy looking due to its poor image resolution (as in the CRB pdf/book).
I'm not using miniatures in my game, I'll use it just for reference with my players so I need a picture with just enough resolution to be printed.

phavoc said:
Don't worry too much about variant free traders. The design has been highly customized by captains everywhere. It's part of what gives them better flavor.
I completely agree but in this case I already started using the book version as a reference to my players when playing and I'd prefer to keep this layout.

phavoc said:
I also highly recommend checking out Ian's website. He does some excellent illustrations of Traveller vehicles - https://biomassart.wordpress.com/category/traveller/
I already knew this site, really good stuff in there, but I've found no CRB Far Trader. I'll check again, though.

phavoc said:
As to the air/raft question, do you mean they aren't including it in the ship's tonnage for MGT free traders, or something else?
Exactly, a difference I noticed from older versions. Nothing important though, just a curiosity.

sideranautae said:
I've never seen a high res Mgt edition deck plan for that ship.

The only one I found was a full detailed color deckplan to be used with miniatures on DriveThroughRPG.com but I neither need nor like it.

At this point I think I'll draw a version by hand for my needs if nothing else comes out.

FraNe91 said:
For hi-res I mean a version than can be printed in an A4 sheet without being crappy looking due to its poor image resolution (as in the CRB pdf/book).
I'm not using miniatures in my game, I'll use it just for reference with my players so I need a picture with just enough resolution to be printed.

I see an actual artist has beaten me to one form of it, but if you are looking for a quick and messy rendition of the Mongoose version specifically...

I have no idea how that iris valve nest on the port side is supposed to work, much less the upper deck's airlock, which is tucked in under the turret.
Thanks, even if it's not a masterpiece that's exactly what I was looking for.

middenface said:

Try that, more sort of Classic Traveller... Might do you ??

I did discuss redrawing all the CRB plans in hi-rez vector format.
I really like this, and I even found your stats for it. I will probably use it in the future, but my players' FarTrader is the version right from the CRB.

Using vector images it's a good idea, wondering why it has not been used since the beginning.

Anyway I was thinking of redrawing the dwckplans myself, if I'll do it when I'll do it I'll share them.

Thanks to everyone!
Hi again, sorry for the late reply!

I finally made my version of the Far Trader deck plans.
It's handmade and a little elaborated with Gimp, maybe someday I'll make a digital and better-looking version.
What do you think?

FraNe91 said:
Hi again, sorry for the late reply!

I finally made my version of the Far Trader deck plans.
It's handmade and a little elaborated with Gimp, maybe someday I'll make a digital and better-looking version.
What do you think?

Don't you have av Paint program? that's what I use. I'll tell you what I did.
1) I scanned in the map of the Far Trader into my computer
The scan wasn't perfect, such as the squares weren't perfectly aligned with the computer screen, but they were good enough. The I drew circles to match the curved parts of the ship, and then I erased the parts of the curves I didn't need
2) I opened up another paint file, and started drawing a 50 by 50 pixel square with 1 pixel wide lines, I used gray as the color, then I copied the squares and pasted them over and over until I got by grid, then I basically copied the diagram in the core rulebook line by line, I used 5 pixel wide lines.
3) I deviated from the standard design as I wanted it tech level 8 and with reaction engines instead or a maneuver and jump drive. the power plant required extra fuel because I wanted to last for 43 days, and this ate up the space that would have gone for the air/raft anyway, so I eliminated the space. I figure the Far Trader system ship could be used as an aircraft anyway and can land vertically, so I didn't see a need for a secondary air vehicle.
In the spirit of the thread, I've cleaned up FraNe91's layout, added airlocks, and lined up hatches.

I would still consider this a horizontal landing layout. If you really want a vertical lander, try spreading the A2 components around this:
ShawnDriscoll said:
I was just gonna say, "Most people make their own maps." Great work you did.
GypsyComet said:
In the spirit of the thread, I've cleaned up FraNe91's layout, added airlocks, and lined up hatches.
Cool! Thanks for the appreciation :mrgreen:
I did not notice the hatches were misaligned. Indeed now that you fixed them you can add two more airlocks :)

And that's cool the idea about the vertical landing configuration.

Tom Kalbfus said:
Don't you have av Paint program? that's what I use.
I usually use Gimp, in fact that's what I used to clean the handmade draw I did for this Far Trader.
About a year ago I drew the deck plans for the Type S Scout with Google Sketchup, but it's such a long time I used it last time that I will probably skip the work for now.
FraNe91 said:
Hi again, sorry for the late reply!

I finally made my version of the Far Trader deck plans.
It's handmade and a little elaborated with Gimp, maybe someday I'll make a digital and better-looking version.
What do you think?

DUDE! That is absolutely fantastic rendition of those plans. I really like that old hand sketched look. I think more deckplans should be presented like this...