I just can't help myself.
Before Conan came out I was running a homebrew Sci-Fi d20 game called "Space Bastards". I had bought some "Planet of the Apes" style miniatures and some of the giant gorillamen from the 100 Kingdoms line of miniatures. So, in the game we had 2 races of simians "ape-men, and Kongs). We saw apes every adventure.
Now with 3 Conan adventures under my belt, I have had a monkey in everyone of them too. In my 12th level test game there was Hublux the Monkey God, in my first regular session there was the "apelike" Nameless Horror of the Oasis of the Damned, and in my second regular game there were two Man-apes, which really should have been Toad things as Iron Chef realized.
I have a monkey problem, I need help. Must resist using monkeys for at least one game session. MUST RESIST! It is so hard.
Before Conan came out I was running a homebrew Sci-Fi d20 game called "Space Bastards". I had bought some "Planet of the Apes" style miniatures and some of the giant gorillamen from the 100 Kingdoms line of miniatures. So, in the game we had 2 races of simians "ape-men, and Kongs). We saw apes every adventure.
Now with 3 Conan adventures under my belt, I have had a monkey in everyone of them too. In my 12th level test game there was Hublux the Monkey God, in my first regular session there was the "apelike" Nameless Horror of the Oasis of the Damned, and in my second regular game there were two Man-apes, which really should have been Toad things as Iron Chef realized.
I have a monkey problem, I need help. Must resist using monkeys for at least one game session. MUST RESIST! It is so hard.