I decided that I wanted a Heavy Freighter that looked a little nicer than what is currently being sold. I was able to find a Brigade Modular Container ship that was a promising candidate for conversion.
Here's what the Brigade model looks like assembled:
Miniature assembled, upside down. Also shown is the 2-piece central rib I am adding to help the miniature support the extra weight of the 4 large brass cargo pods. I am using 2 x 1/16ths brass pins to help attach them, and 1-minute epoxy.
Miniature with central rib attached:
Top view of miniature. I have used a belt sander and file to flatten the top and bottom of the side cargo pods to mount the new brass cargo pods. I also drilled 4 x .036" holes all the way through the pods from top to bottom for some paperclip material pins to attach the brass cargo pods with.
I am currently drilling the holes in the cargo pods, which is VERY tedious, using a hand vise and .036" drillbit. More pictures when they are available.
More pics, after the cargo pods have been added.
Front view:
Rear view (warp engines need cleaning up of excess putty):
Left side view:
Front underside view:
Freighter painted, with some minimalist decals on it. I could really use some shipping line decals for the cargo containers, but don't know where to get any.
Here's what the Brigade model looks like assembled:

Miniature assembled, upside down. Also shown is the 2-piece central rib I am adding to help the miniature support the extra weight of the 4 large brass cargo pods. I am using 2 x 1/16ths brass pins to help attach them, and 1-minute epoxy.

Miniature with central rib attached:

Top view of miniature. I have used a belt sander and file to flatten the top and bottom of the side cargo pods to mount the new brass cargo pods. I also drilled 4 x .036" holes all the way through the pods from top to bottom for some paperclip material pins to attach the brass cargo pods with.

I am currently drilling the holes in the cargo pods, which is VERY tedious, using a hand vise and .036" drillbit. More pictures when they are available.
More pics, after the cargo pods have been added.
Front view:

Rear view (warp engines need cleaning up of excess putty):

Left side view:

Front underside view:

Freighter painted, with some minimalist decals on it. I could really use some shipping line decals for the cargo containers, but don't know where to get any.