In writing an article on the soul in Howard's work, I'm considering life after death. Most Hyborian Age peoples believe that dead souls stay in a paradise or hell. But we know that some souls are reincarnated into new bodies, and some sources (e.g. "The Valley of the Worm", "The Man on the Ground") indicate that the Nemedian skeptics are right that only blackness follows death. But in "The House of Arabu" we visit such an otherworld, which leaves the question open. Whether or not such places are real, the mode of the Conan stories does not include visits to them. Still, it's interesting to consider what, for instance, David Gemmell does with hell and so on, and how that could work in the Hyborian Age.
There are also the dreamlands of "Xuthal of the Dusk" and "The Door to the World" (and "The Silver Key" and "Through the Gates of the Silver Key")...
Are there references to 'heaven' in the Conan stories outside that one in The Hour of the Dragon?
There are also the dreamlands of "Xuthal of the Dusk" and "The Door to the World" (and "The Silver Key" and "Through the Gates of the Silver Key")...
Are there references to 'heaven' in the Conan stories outside that one in The Hour of the Dragon?