further discussion about the edg worldgen

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Cosmic Mongoose
will be posted directly to him, <edit. general passive agressive stuff of mine deleted The original was childish and certainly didn't help to defuse things. My apologies to the board, and ,believe it or not, to EDG, for adding to the problem>

I hope I've made my opinions about the shortcomings and advantages of his system plain to other forum members. feel free to ask, if not.
captainjack23 said:
will be posted directly to him, as I obviously do not understand his rules for appropriate feedback

You do though, you know exactly what kind of feedback I was looking for, because other people were posting it in the EDG worldgen thread. Statistical analysis of what was there is what I wanted (and I thought I made that really clear) - not personal opinion of the whole system. You know damn well that it's way too late in the process to consider any of the changes you were proposing, and you know damn well that I disagreed with them right from the start anyway.

And I think the posts I made here and here on the sort of comments that I was looking for (which was before you posted all your opinion threads) were pretty damn clear. You just went "Well, screw that, I'm going to post what I want to", so you really don't have much justification to act surprised when I say that's not what I wanted and that it's not useful to me. And you certainly have no justification in giving me all the snarky crap about how I only want to hear nice comments about my system - what I want is to hear useful comments about my system.

I'm coming up with this system and doing all this work because I want to improve the current system, and I think I've demonstrated amply where the current system's flaws are and how to fix them. Sometimes people do that in playtests - they don't just come up with the odd suggestion, they actually say "I can do this better" and present that to the authors to consider - and so far I know that Gar has seemed pretty open-minded about what I have to say here (the irony is amusing though, considering that they actually asked me to write the worldgen system initially for the game before the playtest (and would have paid me) but I turned them down because I was too busy at the time). In my attempt to refine the system further, I asked for a specific kind of criticism on a specific topic - just like Gar or Chris could say "let's focus on this subject for now". That means any further discussion about anything else really isn't going to serve any useful purpose, so you're wasting your time doing that. You can throw a strop and tell me you're going to say what you want about it, but you really don't get to tell me that I'm wrong to dismiss what you say when I've made it patently clear that those comments and criticisms were going to be useless from the start. The fact is that EDG system is pretty much locked in stone at this stage - it just needs a few more minor tweaks and that's as far as I'll take it, so any criticism of the whole approach it uses is really worthless. After that it's up to Gar and Chris what they want to do with it.

So hopefully anyone else reading this at least can understand where I'm really coming from here, rather than just hearing your misrepresentations of my position. I'm not trying to "stifle criticism" of my system, I'm just trying to focus it in on things that may need further refinement. But what you've provided is a general criticism of the whole thing, which isn't any use to me.
EDG said:
captainjack23 said:
will be posted directly to him, as I obviously do not understand his rules for appropriate feedback

You do though, you know exactly what kind of feedback I was looking for, because other people were posting it in the EDG worldgen thread. But what you've provided is a general criticism of the whole thing, which isn't any use to me.

Well, actually, I don't wind people up like this just for fun.

I thought that if you were putting it up for consideration for inclusion in MGT, some discussion of its overall desirability or needfulness was appropriate, and might be appreciated. Obviously, from your veiwpoint, and reaction, this is not the case.

My comments obviously are seeming more critical and irrelevant than I would imagine is possible, but, it's your baby, and its important to you. However, this is far more effort and emotional energy than I expected some well intentioned feedback would result in. I thought I was giving you what you wanted, but obviously I was in error. If you need to continue to rail at me to feel better about that, I can't stop you, but I'll try not to exacerbate it; I suspect we look foolish enough as is.
So, that's that, good luck, and, hopefully goodbye to EDGworldgen.
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