I posted this a while back - many questions on Free Companies, and never an answer from Mongoose. In fact, there hasnt been a single official response to _any_ Conan question on the Rulesasters forum.
I have read through Free Companies and I had a few questions:
1) Page 44, Zingaran man at arms: what is the typical weapon ?
2) Pg 43, Zamoran Harriers: left column, top of the page there is an incomplete sentence in the first complete paragraph: "They........"
3) Pg 49, for the Knowledge (Warfare) skill, do you need 5 ranks of this skill AND 5 ranks of Knowledge (Tactics) to get the synergy bonus ?
4) Pg 83, Loft to the Sky spell - can this be used on an animate object - in other words instead of lobbing something at someone, lobbing the someone 400 feet up into the air ?
5) Pg 85: The Deafening seige ammunition seems to imply the existance of Thunderstones as per the core DnD rules ("Deafening catapault loads deliver massive thunderstones..."). True ?
6) Pg 74: Under Ballista, the description was cut off after "When they do so, they gain the following role action:....."
Regarding siege weapons, what feat covers thier use ? Exotic weapon ? Martial ?
Mad Dog