I'm toying with the idea of using random roll to assess the financial status of PCs when large gaps in game time occur between adventures. This is only idle tinkering at the moment, opinions sought.
Fortune and Loss:
D20 Next Result
<3 +3 Lost Everything: 2d6 sp to spend on new gear. Unspent money may be kept.
3-5 +2 Hard Times: Reduce wealth to 10d6sp. Add 5d6 sp in cash or gear.
6-8 +1 Getting By: Reduce wealth to starting budget, or replace all wealth with starting budget/package. Add 2d6-2 sp in cash or gear.
9-12 +1 Getting By: Reduce wealth by 10d6sp. Add 5d6 sp in cash or gear.
13-16 +0 Getting By: Increase or reduce wealth by d100 – d100 sp.
17-19 -1 Good Times: Increase wealth by starting budget.
>19 -3 High Living: Increase wealth by starting budget times 1d4+1.
Wealth includes cash on hand, as well as all equipment including clothes. Gear includes all items with a cash value.
The next column provides a modifier to the player's next roll on the Fortune and Loss table.
Fortune and Loss:
D20 Next Result
<3 +3 Lost Everything: 2d6 sp to spend on new gear. Unspent money may be kept.
3-5 +2 Hard Times: Reduce wealth to 10d6sp. Add 5d6 sp in cash or gear.
6-8 +1 Getting By: Reduce wealth to starting budget, or replace all wealth with starting budget/package. Add 2d6-2 sp in cash or gear.
9-12 +1 Getting By: Reduce wealth by 10d6sp. Add 5d6 sp in cash or gear.
13-16 +0 Getting By: Increase or reduce wealth by d100 – d100 sp.
17-19 -1 Good Times: Increase wealth by starting budget.
>19 -3 High Living: Increase wealth by starting budget times 1d4+1.
Wealth includes cash on hand, as well as all equipment including clothes. Gear includes all items with a cash value.
The next column provides a modifier to the player's next roll on the Fortune and Loss table.