For Immediate Release - CyberNet: 2087 (TM)


CyberNet: 2087 ™

Press Release – May 2, 2004

For Immediate Release:

Welcome to the year 2087. The world as we know it no longer exists. The world of 2087 is not a friendly place. War and famine, diseases and drugs have all but wiped out numerous civilizations and complete cultures. Various wars over religion and oil has left much of the remaining civilized world to look inward toward self-preservation instead of on a global world of shared economy and peace. Political agendas and relief efforts of the later part of the 20th Century are stuff for history books. Democracy is all but a myth. This is the world of CyberNet: 2087.

In late 2004, Kiln Productions plans to release a campaign setting sourcebook based on OGL CyberNet called CyberNet: 2087 ™. The premise of the initial 128-page supplemental sourcebook is to provide an extensive overview of what the world MIGHT look like in 2087 - with a cyberpunk slant on it. Topics for the campaign setting would include geographical, political, religious, and cultural information on all of the key governmental bodies throughout the world and include NPC stats for the leadership plus archetype stats for a typical commoner from each "country". The CyberNet: 2087 Campaign Setting will also include some new feats, equipment, stats, etc. where it pertains to each environment. CyberNet: 2087 is co-created by Don Pedicini Jr. of Kiln Productions and Bryan K. Borgman (aka Stratos) of Bailey Records.

To use this product, you also need the OGL CyberNet Cyberpunk Roleplaying Game core rulebook by August Hahn. For players and Gamemasters, this product is compatible with other OGL & d20 roleplaying games.

CyberNet: 2087 ™ is created and released under the Open Game License. OGL CyberNet is available from Mongoose Publishing.

In 2005, Kiln Productions will release three supplements to CyberNet: 2087 ™ including The European Empire Sourcebook, The United Federation Sourcebook, and the Mechana Manual ™.

Kiln Productions will also release an original zombie thriller RPG called CHOMP! ™ in late 2005.

Additional CyberNet: 2087 ™ supplements will follow in 2006 as will additional titles based on other popular OGL titles.

For more information on CyberNet: 2087 ™ please feel free to reply to this post or E-mail:
Should have called it Cybernet 20X6....

Seriously of the three supplements slated for 2005 I'd like to see the Mechana Manual the earliest, not that you asked. I'll end up picking up all three more than likely.
They will probably be softback (perfect bound). We will try to look into hardback. As for the pdf's that is up in the air however throughout the year will will have freebie pdf's for people to use.
This sound like fantastic suppliments.

It is very gratifying to see Cybernet enhanced by such expert work. Thanks!

If I can be of any assistance, let me know.

Mongoose August said:
This sound like fantastic suppliments.

It is very gratifying to see Cybernet enhanced by such expert work. Thanks!

If I can be of any assistance, let me know.


We will! :-)
This can't go wrong! Such a great initiative! A lot of great ideas and even support by the man who wrote the RPG! I', so looking forward to this!

- Sonny
OK! I have decided I will be getting OGL Cybernet before OGL Ancients. I will be buying CyberNet2087 as soon as it becomes available...<starts counting and hoarding all loose change>
Almost forgot to mention, on June 25th, 2004 (Friday) during Origins, will go live. There (as well as here) you will be able to keep up to date with all the latest info on Cybernet:2087 (tm). That weekend both Bryan and I will be running around Origins except Bryan will be at the Mongoose booth promoting his new OGL Cybernet soundtrack so go buy a copy!!!.
kiln publications said:
slingbld said:
Any Idea as to the pricepoint?

BTW: Glad to hear that support is comming out for Cybernet!!

The prices are tentatively $19.95 for the 128 page Sourcebook and $12.95 for the 64 page supplements.

These are good prices. 8)
kiln publications said:
Almost forgot to mention, on June 25th, 2004 (Friday) during Origins, will go live. There (as well as here) you will be able to keep up to date with all the latest info on Cybernet:2087 (tm). That weekend both Bryan and I will be running around Origins except Bryan will be at the Mongoose booth promoting his new OGL Cybernet soundtrack so go buy a copy!!!.

can't wait to see the site and probably meet you at Origins. I'll be running around with Bry on Thursday. My band is flying out for a weekend tour in San Fran and Monterey CA so I'll miss most of the weekend. It never fails, I live in Columbus and havn't been able to make it to Origins! :oops:

Anyway, I'm interested in CN:2087, it means that Bry and I will get to geek out a lot more! :wink:

'til next time...
kiln publications said:
They will probably be softback (perfect bound). We will try to look into hardback. As for the pdf's that is up in the air however throughout the year will will have freebie pdf's for people to use.

I dont know if this counts for much, but for campaign settings I prefer a hardback book if possible :) Im interested in this and the Horror OGL ones, especially as the OGL core books are all crunch and little fluff, and I like lots of setting information etc.