Fixes for Defensive Blast, Sacrifice & Energy Drain, etc


Hi all,

I've posted some house rules for the Conan RPG that I use in my own campaign. The variant rules include fixes for the problems with Sacrifice and Energy Drain, Terror checks, and Defensive Blast, as well as a house rule for alchemical item pricing.

Follow this link to read it:

We've been using these rules for several months, and they seem to be working well. However, any feedback is welcome...

- thulsa
Nice work and thanks for posting! I like it and will probably use it in my next game.

One thing I'll probably ignore, though, is the part where a victim of Terror of the Unknown drops everything in his hands. I really like the fact that he can't act for 1 round, but the dropping stuff looks silly in my mind. :)

For the Rule of Defense, I don't know. I was actually planning to just drop it completely for my next game, but I might have a closer look at your version.
Trodax said:
For the Rule of Defense, I don't know. I was actually planning to just drop it completely for my next game, but I might have a closer look at your version.

If you just drop DB (without replacing it with something else), the scholar loses one of the few advantages he has, especially when he is low level. But with this house rule, he can use it to defend himself (fighter-types will be loath to strike against sorcerers for fear of triggering this "death curse"), without the "fireball-style" abuse that the original DB can be used for.

- thulsa
I like em! The alchemical item prices and terror saves were two rules my group thought needed tweaking for sure. The defensive blast change is something the scholar in my group will actually want. He doesn't like being referred to as the "death blossom" all the time.
Well, turns out the group liked all the house rules, except for the defensive blast one.

They felt having the blast an area of effect was a big limiting factor for it, because you could potentially kill your allies as well. And the scholar in my group doesn't really care since he has used his blast only twice in the last adventure, and in both cases, for self defence. He's playing his character extremely well ;)