Fiery Trial/Athena Strain - 2Edition?


How easy would it be to run The Fiery Trial/The Athena Strain under B5 RPG 2nd Edition?

The reason I ask is that The Cold Equations is set at start of 2259 and I reckon it would be good to start playing B5 RPG at end 2257/early 2258. You don't want to miss the fun of first series!!!

I am trying to get my local gaming club interested in the idea of doing B5 RPG campaign. Only 1-2 other players are into the show and I have not got much experience GM'ing.

Just wondered how good The Fiery Trial/The Athena Strain would be for new players/new GM or whether would have easier ride just launching straight into The Cold Equations.

All feedback from experienced B5 players/GM's welcomed!


wargame_insomniac said:

How easy would it be to run The Fiery Trial/The Athena Strain under B5 RPG 2nd Edition?

The reason I ask is that The Cold Equations is set at start of 2259 and I reckon it would be good to start playing B5 RPG at end 2257/early 2258. You don't want to miss the fun of first series!!!

I am trying to get my local gaming club interested in the idea of doing B5 RPG campaign. Only 1-2 other players are into the show and I have not got much experience GM'ing.

Just wondered how good The Fiery Trial/The Athena Strain would be for new players/new GM or whether would have easier ride just launching straight into The Cold Equations.

All feedback from experienced B5 players/GM's welcomed!



very easy

most of the changes are to the npc stat blocks and can be done with ease via the conversion guide in the back of the 2e RPG book.

As for the ship stats they can be replaced with reasonably "similar" ships from the main rules, though once the ship builders guide is released you will be able to build them in the new format very quickly.
Hey Neo,

While you're on, can you remind me of the timeline of Fiery Trial, Crucible, Cold Equations, Ragged Edge and the Athena Strain

I know you dod most of this before but I can't fins it and I'm way tired (and lazy and hungry now that I think of it :lol: )

lastbesthope said:
Hey Neo,

While you're on, can you remind me of the timeline of Fiery Trial, Crucible, Cold Equations, Ragged Edge and the Athena Strain

I know you dod most of this before but I can't fins it and I'm way tired (and lazy and hungry now that I think of it :lol: )


Apologies for the delay, got distracted by the lure of Galactic Civilizations 2 :)

hmm lets see

Fiery Trial - Spans the entire year of 2258 (for 1st level characters)

Into the Crucible - Anytime during the Narn - Centauri conflict (for 3rd level characters)

Cold Equations - 2259 at the start of the second season (for 1st level characters)

Ragged Edge - Stars Jan 2259, ends December same year (for 9th-11th level characters)

Athena Strain - none by intent, only restriction is before ISA is formed (for no suggested to suit need)
Neo said:
Fiery Trial - Spans the entire year of 2258 (for 1st level characters)

Into the Crucible - Anytime during the Narn - Centauri conflict (for 3rd level characters)

Cold Equations - 2259 at the start of the second season (for 1st level characters)

Ragged Edge - Stars Jan 2259, ends December same year (for 9th-11th level characters)

Athena Strain - none by intent, only restriction is before ISA is formed (for no suggested to suit need)

Thanks Neo

How easy would it be to bump up the level of Cold Equations so that you could get a party to do in order:
Fiery Trial/Cold Equations/Ragged Edge.


wargame_insomniac said:
How easy would it be to bump up the level of Cold Equations so that you could get a party to do in order:
Fiery Trial/Cold Equations/Ragged Edge.

You just do it ;) This is B5 not D&D after all. You might want to level up some of the major NPCs but that's about it.
wargame_insomniac said:
Thanks Neo

How easy would it be to bump up the level of Cold Equations so that you could get a party to do in order:
Fiery Trial/Cold Equations/Ragged Edge.



Pretty much as frobisher says, simply a matter of increasins the number or levels of opponenets.. I wouldn't take it higher than 9th though simply because Cold Equations is meant as a precursor to the Ragged Edge.
Thanks guys

Now just have to persuade my local gaming group they want to do B5 2nd Edition rather than D&D3.5!! I have got 2 people on board- just have to work on rest.

