Here's a five level class (not prestige) for that staple of Conan fiction, The Femme Fatale! Feedback wanted.
Based on
Discreet Companion PrC from Dynasties & Demagogues, (c) 2002 Atlas Games
Qedeshot class from Testament, (c) 2003 Green Ronin
Femme Fatales are always beautiful and charming women, often found among the
courtesans and mistresses frequented by the nobility. They are most frequently cold and
calculating creatures driven by a quest for personal power, whether they wear the crown
themselves or direct the course of events from the shadows. Typically, they will seek out
the most powerful and wealthy man they can find, seduce him, drain him of cash and
gifts, then abandon him for a more promising target.
Hardly a Conan story exists that does not feature a Femme Fatale. They are powerful
movers and shakers behind the scenes of any civilized society. Their lust for power often
leads them along the road of the assassin, poisoner, sorcerer or thief if they cannot
become nobles themselves. An alarming number of Femme Fatales, often ex-paramours
of sinister sorcerers, possess enough ill-gotten arcane knowledge to have the Dabbler feat,
and these are the most dangerous seductresses of all.
Variant Femme Fatale: Priestesses of demon gods, cults and fertility goddesses (such as
Derketo and Ishtar) all make flavorful variants over the more common variety, as do
obsessive, psychotic stalkers who aren't so much fixated on obtaining wide personal
power as complete domination over a single target.
Abilities: A high Charisma is most important to a Femme Fatale. High scores in
Dexterity (for a high Dodge, initiative, and finesse attack), Intelligence (for skill points)
and Wisdom are also useful.
Abbreviation: Fem
HD: d6
Starting Equipment: 100 + 10d6 sp
Skill Points At 1st level: (8 + Int modifier) x4
Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist
(Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local or Nobility), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis),
Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
Level 1: Art of Seduction +2, Charismatic Defense, Sneak Attack Style, Sneak Attack
Base Attack +0, Base Dodge +0, Base Parry +0, Magic Attack +0, Fort +0, Ref +2, Will
Level 2: Dance of Desire 1/day, Fervent Kiss 1/day.
Base Attack +1, Base Dodge +1, Base Parry +0, Magic Attack +0, Fort +0, Ref +3, Will
Level 3: Black Widow, Passion, Sneak Attack +2d6/+2d8.
Base Attack +2, Base Dodge +1, Base Parry +1, Magic Attack +1, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will
Level 4: Art of Seduction +4, Dance of Desire 2/day.
Base Attack +3, Base Dodge +2, Base Parry +1, Magic Attack +1, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will
Level 5: Fervent Kiss 2/day, Special Ability. Sneak Attack +3d6/+3d8.
Base Attack +4, Base Dodge +2, Base Parry +2, Magic Attack +2, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will
Weapon & Armor Proficiency: A Femme Fatale is proficient with the club, dagger,
poniard and stiletto. They are not proficient with any armor or shields.
Art of Seduction +2: The femme fatale receives a +2 bonus to all skill checks to Bluff,
Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform skill checks against those attracted to her
gender when wearing no armor. This bonus increases to +4 at fourth level.
Charismatic Defense: The Femme Fatale uses her Charisma modifier as a bonus to her
Dodge DV and saving throws at all times vs. those attracted to her gender when wearing
no armor. This bonus is reduced by 50% if wearing light armor and negated completely
by medium or heavy armor.
Sneak Attack Style: As Thief. Choose from: Club, Dagger, Poniard, or Stiletto.
Sneak Attack: AsThief.
Dance of Desire: A Femme Fatale with three or more ranks in Perform (Dance) can with
a successful skill check, cause all those within 30 feet of her who are attracted to her
gender (and not otherwise distracted, such as in combat) to become fascinated with her.
The targets to be fascinated are allowed a Will save (DC equals 10 + her Perform: Dance
skill modifier). Those fascinated receive a -4 penalty to Listen and Spot checks so long as
she keeps dancing. Should a target make its save, she cannot attempt to fascinate that
same target again for 24 hours. If she has six or more ranks in Perform: Dance, the
fascinated audience's penalty to Listen and Spot checks is further increased to -6. The
femme fatale can be wearing no armor to use dance of desire. At second level, she can
use her dance ability once per day; this increases to twice per day at fourth level.
Fervent Kiss: Once per day, a Femme Fatale can use her fervent kiss class feature against
one attracted to her gender to achieve one of the following effects of her choice: 1) To
stabilize a dying individual; this works like an automatic success of the Heal skill; 2)
impart a +1 morale bonus to an individal's attack, damage, skill checks and saving throws
for a number of hours equal to her Charisma modifier; or 3) receive a +1 bonus to her
next Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information or Sense Motive skill check against the target
of her kiss. The femme fatale must be wearing no armor or light armor to use fervent kiss.
Her usage of this class feature increases to twice per day at fifth level.
Black Widow: The femme fatale gains the Poison Use feat for free (and ignores the
prerequisites) at 3rd level. In addition, she gains Craft: Herbalism as a class skill.
Passion: At third level, a femme fatale can make someone attracted to her gender her
thrall through sexual intercourse. She must make a Perform check opposed by her
victim's Will save (DC 10 + her Perform modifier). If she succeeds, the target becomes
her thrall. In order to attack, disobey, or lie to the femme fatale, the thrall must make a
Will save (DC 10 + Femme Fatale's class level + Femme Fatale's Charisma modifier). A
thrall has a -4 penalty to saves against a femme fatale's Charisma based skills, spells and
spell-like abilities.
If a femme fatale is attack or obviously in danger, her thrall gets a +2 to attack and
damage rols made while defending her. A femme fatale may hold one person in thrall at
third level and a second at fifth level. A person cannot be enthralled by two femme fatales
at the same time.
Special Ability: At fifth level, the femme fatale may choose any one special ability or
feat from this list: Dodge, Evasion (as thief), Fleet-Footed, Light-Footed, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, No Honour, Performer, Persuasive,
Priest (ignores prerequisites), Skill Focus, Sleep Mastery, Sneak Subdual, Stealthy.
Sneak Attack Style: Club, Dagger, Poniard or Stiletto.
Sneak Attack Damage: As third level thief.
BEAUTEOUS VISAGE (Mythic feat, from Testament (c) 2003 Green Ronin)
You are supernaturally attractive.
Prerequisite: Charisma 19+
Benefit: You are becoming beyond the ken of mortals, with a face that could launch a
thousand ships or break ten thousand hearts. Barring obvious hostility, all NPC attitudes
from those attracted to your gender are automatically raised by two levels and a Charisma
check can potentially raise them even more, but cannot lower it.
Based on
Discreet Companion PrC from Dynasties & Demagogues, (c) 2002 Atlas Games
Qedeshot class from Testament, (c) 2003 Green Ronin
Femme Fatales are always beautiful and charming women, often found among the
courtesans and mistresses frequented by the nobility. They are most frequently cold and
calculating creatures driven by a quest for personal power, whether they wear the crown
themselves or direct the course of events from the shadows. Typically, they will seek out
the most powerful and wealthy man they can find, seduce him, drain him of cash and
gifts, then abandon him for a more promising target.
Hardly a Conan story exists that does not feature a Femme Fatale. They are powerful
movers and shakers behind the scenes of any civilized society. Their lust for power often
leads them along the road of the assassin, poisoner, sorcerer or thief if they cannot
become nobles themselves. An alarming number of Femme Fatales, often ex-paramours
of sinister sorcerers, possess enough ill-gotten arcane knowledge to have the Dabbler feat,
and these are the most dangerous seductresses of all.
Variant Femme Fatale: Priestesses of demon gods, cults and fertility goddesses (such as
Derketo and Ishtar) all make flavorful variants over the more common variety, as do
obsessive, psychotic stalkers who aren't so much fixated on obtaining wide personal
power as complete domination over a single target.
Abilities: A high Charisma is most important to a Femme Fatale. High scores in
Dexterity (for a high Dodge, initiative, and finesse attack), Intelligence (for skill points)
and Wisdom are also useful.
Abbreviation: Fem
HD: d6
Starting Equipment: 100 + 10d6 sp
Skill Points At 1st level: (8 + Int modifier) x4
Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist
(Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local or Nobility), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis),
Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
Level 1: Art of Seduction +2, Charismatic Defense, Sneak Attack Style, Sneak Attack
Base Attack +0, Base Dodge +0, Base Parry +0, Magic Attack +0, Fort +0, Ref +2, Will
Level 2: Dance of Desire 1/day, Fervent Kiss 1/day.
Base Attack +1, Base Dodge +1, Base Parry +0, Magic Attack +0, Fort +0, Ref +3, Will
Level 3: Black Widow, Passion, Sneak Attack +2d6/+2d8.
Base Attack +2, Base Dodge +1, Base Parry +1, Magic Attack +1, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will
Level 4: Art of Seduction +4, Dance of Desire 2/day.
Base Attack +3, Base Dodge +2, Base Parry +1, Magic Attack +1, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will
Level 5: Fervent Kiss 2/day, Special Ability. Sneak Attack +3d6/+3d8.
Base Attack +4, Base Dodge +2, Base Parry +2, Magic Attack +2, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will
Weapon & Armor Proficiency: A Femme Fatale is proficient with the club, dagger,
poniard and stiletto. They are not proficient with any armor or shields.
Art of Seduction +2: The femme fatale receives a +2 bonus to all skill checks to Bluff,
Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform skill checks against those attracted to her
gender when wearing no armor. This bonus increases to +4 at fourth level.
Charismatic Defense: The Femme Fatale uses her Charisma modifier as a bonus to her
Dodge DV and saving throws at all times vs. those attracted to her gender when wearing
no armor. This bonus is reduced by 50% if wearing light armor and negated completely
by medium or heavy armor.
Sneak Attack Style: As Thief. Choose from: Club, Dagger, Poniard, or Stiletto.
Sneak Attack: AsThief.
Dance of Desire: A Femme Fatale with three or more ranks in Perform (Dance) can with
a successful skill check, cause all those within 30 feet of her who are attracted to her
gender (and not otherwise distracted, such as in combat) to become fascinated with her.
The targets to be fascinated are allowed a Will save (DC equals 10 + her Perform: Dance
skill modifier). Those fascinated receive a -4 penalty to Listen and Spot checks so long as
she keeps dancing. Should a target make its save, she cannot attempt to fascinate that
same target again for 24 hours. If she has six or more ranks in Perform: Dance, the
fascinated audience's penalty to Listen and Spot checks is further increased to -6. The
femme fatale can be wearing no armor to use dance of desire. At second level, she can
use her dance ability once per day; this increases to twice per day at fourth level.
Fervent Kiss: Once per day, a Femme Fatale can use her fervent kiss class feature against
one attracted to her gender to achieve one of the following effects of her choice: 1) To
stabilize a dying individual; this works like an automatic success of the Heal skill; 2)
impart a +1 morale bonus to an individal's attack, damage, skill checks and saving throws
for a number of hours equal to her Charisma modifier; or 3) receive a +1 bonus to her
next Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information or Sense Motive skill check against the target
of her kiss. The femme fatale must be wearing no armor or light armor to use fervent kiss.
Her usage of this class feature increases to twice per day at fifth level.
Black Widow: The femme fatale gains the Poison Use feat for free (and ignores the
prerequisites) at 3rd level. In addition, she gains Craft: Herbalism as a class skill.
Passion: At third level, a femme fatale can make someone attracted to her gender her
thrall through sexual intercourse. She must make a Perform check opposed by her
victim's Will save (DC 10 + her Perform modifier). If she succeeds, the target becomes
her thrall. In order to attack, disobey, or lie to the femme fatale, the thrall must make a
Will save (DC 10 + Femme Fatale's class level + Femme Fatale's Charisma modifier). A
thrall has a -4 penalty to saves against a femme fatale's Charisma based skills, spells and
spell-like abilities.
If a femme fatale is attack or obviously in danger, her thrall gets a +2 to attack and
damage rols made while defending her. A femme fatale may hold one person in thrall at
third level and a second at fifth level. A person cannot be enthralled by two femme fatales
at the same time.
Special Ability: At fifth level, the femme fatale may choose any one special ability or
feat from this list: Dodge, Evasion (as thief), Fleet-Footed, Light-Footed, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, No Honour, Performer, Persuasive,
Priest (ignores prerequisites), Skill Focus, Sleep Mastery, Sneak Subdual, Stealthy.
Sneak Attack Style: Club, Dagger, Poniard or Stiletto.
Sneak Attack Damage: As third level thief.
BEAUTEOUS VISAGE (Mythic feat, from Testament (c) 2003 Green Ronin)
You are supernaturally attractive.
Prerequisite: Charisma 19+
Benefit: You are becoming beyond the ken of mortals, with a face that could launch a
thousand ships or break ten thousand hearts. Barring obvious hostility, all NPC attitudes
from those attracted to your gender are automatically raised by two levels and a Charisma
check can potentially raise them even more, but cannot lower it.