Femme Fatale Class

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Here's a five level class (not prestige) for that staple of Conan fiction, The Femme Fatale! Feedback wanted.

Based on
Discreet Companion PrC from Dynasties & Demagogues, (c) 2002 Atlas Games
Qedeshot class from Testament, (c) 2003 Green Ronin

Femme Fatales are always beautiful and charming women, often found among the
courtesans and mistresses frequented by the nobility. They are most frequently cold and
calculating creatures driven by a quest for personal power, whether they wear the crown
themselves or direct the course of events from the shadows. Typically, they will seek out
the most powerful and wealthy man they can find, seduce him, drain him of cash and
gifts, then abandon him for a more promising target.

Hardly a Conan story exists that does not feature a Femme Fatale. They are powerful
movers and shakers behind the scenes of any civilized society. Their lust for power often
leads them along the road of the assassin, poisoner, sorcerer or thief if they cannot
become nobles themselves. An alarming number of Femme Fatales, often ex-paramours
of sinister sorcerers, possess enough ill-gotten arcane knowledge to have the Dabbler feat,
and these are the most dangerous seductresses of all.

Variant Femme Fatale: Priestesses of demon gods, cults and fertility goddesses (such as
Derketo and Ishtar) all make flavorful variants over the more common variety, as do
obsessive, psychotic stalkers who aren't so much fixated on obtaining wide personal
power as complete domination over a single target.

Abilities: A high Charisma is most important to a Femme Fatale. High scores in
Dexterity (for a high Dodge, initiative, and finesse attack), Intelligence (for skill points)
and Wisdom are also useful.

Abbreviation: Fem
HD: d6

Starting Equipment: 100 + 10d6 sp

Skill Points At 1st level: (8 + Int modifier) x4
Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier

Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist
(Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local or Nobility), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis),
Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Level 1: Art of Seduction +2, Charismatic Defense, Sneak Attack Style, Sneak Attack
Base Attack +0, Base Dodge +0, Base Parry +0, Magic Attack +0, Fort +0, Ref +2, Will

Level 2: Dance of Desire 1/day, Fervent Kiss 1/day.
Base Attack +1, Base Dodge +1, Base Parry +0, Magic Attack +0, Fort +0, Ref +3, Will

Level 3: Black Widow, Passion, Sneak Attack +2d6/+2d8.
Base Attack +2, Base Dodge +1, Base Parry +1, Magic Attack +1, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will

Level 4: Art of Seduction +4, Dance of Desire 2/day.
Base Attack +3, Base Dodge +2, Base Parry +1, Magic Attack +1, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will

Level 5: Fervent Kiss 2/day, Special Ability. Sneak Attack +3d6/+3d8.
Base Attack +4, Base Dodge +2, Base Parry +2, Magic Attack +2, Fort +1, Ref +4, Will

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: A Femme Fatale is proficient with the club, dagger,
poniard and stiletto. They are not proficient with any armor or shields.

Art of Seduction +2: The femme fatale receives a +2 bonus to all skill checks to Bluff,
Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform skill checks against those attracted to her
gender when wearing no armor. This bonus increases to +4 at fourth level.

Charismatic Defense: The Femme Fatale uses her Charisma modifier as a bonus to her
Dodge DV and saving throws at all times vs. those attracted to her gender when wearing
no armor. This bonus is reduced by 50% if wearing light armor and negated completely
by medium or heavy armor.

Sneak Attack Style: As Thief. Choose from: Club, Dagger, Poniard, or Stiletto.
Sneak Attack: AsThief.

Dance of Desire: A Femme Fatale with three or more ranks in Perform (Dance) can with
a successful skill check, cause all those within 30 feet of her who are attracted to her
gender (and not otherwise distracted, such as in combat) to become fascinated with her.
The targets to be fascinated are allowed a Will save (DC equals 10 + her Perform: Dance
skill modifier). Those fascinated receive a -4 penalty to Listen and Spot checks so long as
she keeps dancing. Should a target make its save, she cannot attempt to fascinate that
same target again for 24 hours. If she has six or more ranks in Perform: Dance, the
fascinated audience's penalty to Listen and Spot checks is further increased to -6. The
femme fatale can be wearing no armor to use dance of desire. At second level, she can
use her dance ability once per day; this increases to twice per day at fourth level.

Fervent Kiss: Once per day, a Femme Fatale can use her fervent kiss class feature against
one attracted to her gender to achieve one of the following effects of her choice: 1) To
stabilize a dying individual; this works like an automatic success of the Heal skill; 2)
impart a +1 morale bonus to an individal's attack, damage, skill checks and saving throws
for a number of hours equal to her Charisma modifier; or 3) receive a +1 bonus to her
next Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information or Sense Motive skill check against the target
of her kiss. The femme fatale must be wearing no armor or light armor to use fervent kiss.
Her usage of this class feature increases to twice per day at fifth level.

Black Widow: The femme fatale gains the Poison Use feat for free (and ignores the
prerequisites) at 3rd level. In addition, she gains Craft: Herbalism as a class skill.

Passion: At third level, a femme fatale can make someone attracted to her gender her
thrall through sexual intercourse. She must make a Perform check opposed by her
victim's Will save (DC 10 + her Perform modifier). If she succeeds, the target becomes
her thrall. In order to attack, disobey, or lie to the femme fatale, the thrall must make a
Will save (DC 10 + Femme Fatale's class level + Femme Fatale's Charisma modifier). A
thrall has a -4 penalty to saves against a femme fatale's Charisma based skills, spells and
spell-like abilities.

If a femme fatale is attack or obviously in danger, her thrall gets a +2 to attack and
damage rols made while defending her. A femme fatale may hold one person in thrall at
third level and a second at fifth level. A person cannot be enthralled by two femme fatales
at the same time.

Special Ability: At fifth level, the femme fatale may choose any one special ability or
feat from this list: Dodge, Evasion (as thief), Fleet-Footed, Light-Footed, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, No Honour, Performer, Persuasive,
Priest (ignores prerequisites), Skill Focus, Sleep Mastery, Sneak Subdual, Stealthy.

Sneak Attack Style: Club, Dagger, Poniard or Stiletto.
Sneak Attack Damage: As third level thief.

BEAUTEOUS VISAGE (Mythic feat, from Testament (c) 2003 Green Ronin)
You are supernaturally attractive.
Prerequisite: Charisma 19+
Benefit: You are becoming beyond the ken of mortals, with a face that could launch a
thousand ships or break ten thousand hearts. Barring obvious hostility, all NPC attitudes
from those attracted to your gender are automatically raised by two levels and a Charisma
check can potentially raise them even more, but cannot lower it.

Female Make-Up Kit (paint pot): 5 sp. Kohl for the eyes, powder, rouge, garish red lip coloring, all cheap. A woman who wears this is often said to get her beauty from a "paint pot" and may be implied to have little beauty of her own as natural, at least by jealous competitors. It is frequently worn by tavern trulls and streetwalkers to call attention to their eyes and profession. The price is for a one month supply. It provides a +1 circumstance penalty to the disguise skill of any female trying to pose as a cheap trull.

Female Make-Up Kit, Deluxe: 50 sp. This is the kind used by many concubines, courtesans or noble ladies, being composed of excellent quality materials. The price is for a one month supply. It provides a +1 circumstance bonus to disguise checks for females trying to pose as courtesans or nobles, and a +1 circumstance bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks between the female wearing it and those attracted to her gender.

Female Make-Up Kit, Masterwork: 150 sp. This kit is composed of only the rarest and most expensive beauty enhancers available throughout the known world. Only the richest concubines, courtesans and noble ladies can afford it. The price is for a one month supply. It provides a +2 circumstance bonus to disguise checks for females trying to pose as high-ranking courtesans or nobles, and a +2 circumstance bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks between the female wearing it and those attracted to her gender.
Here is a revised list of appropriate feats for Femme Fatales, any one of which they can take as their fifth level Special Ability (bonus feat).

taken from Swashbuckling Adventures, (c) 2002
Physically, you are more appealing to others. This can
take the form of something blatant, such as a perfectly
sculpted face, or something more subtle, like a pair of
radiant or unusually colored eyes.
Prerequisites: Cha 11+.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff (non-combat),
Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.
Special: You may only take this feat at first level.

BEAUTEOUS VISAGE (General feat, revised from
Testament (c) 2003 Green Ronin)
You are supernaturally attractive.
Prerequisite: Charisma 18+.
Benefit: You are becoming beyond the ken of mortals,
with a face that could launch a thousand ships or
break ten thousand hearts. Barring obvious hostility,
all NPC attitudes from those attracted to your gender
are automatically raised by two levels and a Charisma
check can potentially raise them even more, but
cannot lower it.

COURTESAN (General feat, revised from
Swashbuckling Adventures, (c) 2002 AEG)
Clever, witty, and well-educated, courtesans advise,
seduce and entertain clients on every level. They also
learn to manipulate others to their advantage.
Prerequisite: Female.
Benefit: The following are always considered class
skills for you, regardless of class: Bluff, Diplomacy,
Gather Information, and Perform. You receive a +1
bonus to each skill (Bluff bonus in non-combat only).

DANGEROUS BEAUTY (General feat, taken from
Swashbuckling Adventures, (c) 2002 AEG)
You have a certain something about you that compels
others to lust after you, regardless of the danger.
Prerequisites: Charisma 15+, Appearance: Above
Benefit: Targets lose the benefit of their Wisdom
bonus against all of your Charisma based skill checks.
This penalty applies to any Will saves against spells
cast by you from the Hypnotism sorcery style.

CHARMING (General feat, taken from Kingdoms of
Kalamar Player’s Guide, (c) 2002 Kenzer & Co.)
You are extremely charming, clever and witty.
Prerequisite: Cha 13+.
Benefit: Your Charisma is considered to be two points
higher than normal for determining your ability
modifier to all Charisma-based skills against those
attracted to your gender.

CIRCLE OF FRIENDS (General feat, revised from
Kingdoms of Kalamar Player’s Guide, (c) 2002
Kenzer & Co.)
You have a reliable network of friends, lovers and
contacts among a certain group or unique location.
Prerequisite: Cha 13+.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Gather Information
and Intimidate checks within a particular city or
among a certain organization.
Special: The group or location selected can be
changed after six months spent with a new group or in
a new location.

GLIB TONGUE (General feat, revised from
Kingdoms of Kalamar Player’s Guide, (c) 2002
Kenzer & Co.)
You are an eloquent speaker.
Prerequisite: Cha 13+.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all Bluff and
Diplomacy checks that involve speaking.

SEDUCTIVE (General feat, (c) 2004 by Iron_Chef)
Your seductive manner allows you to manipulate
those attracted to you like mere puppets on a string.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Appearance: Above Average.
Benefit: You begin the day with a number of
Seduction points equal to your Charisma modifier.
Any time you make a Charisma based skill check to
influence or impress someone attracted to your gender,
you may spend a Seduction point to add a +1d6 bonus
to your roll. Additionally, before an opponent makes a
Charisma-based skill check or Sense Motive roll
against you (or someone you are trying to bluff,.
persuade, or seduce), you may spend a Seduction
point to incur a -1d6 penalty to your opponent’s roll.
Unspent Seduction points are lost at the end of the
Special: You may take this feat up to three times; each
time, it increases the size of the die (d6 to d8, d8 to
2d6) and you gain an additional Seduction point.

SIGN OF THE WHORE (General feat, (c) 2004 by Iron_Chef)
Your birth was strongly influenced by the whore, the
sign of temptation. Your birthright became an
uncanny knack to manipulate others.
Benefit: Once per day, you may make a Bluff
(Seduction) skill check as a free action to overwhelm a
target attracted to your gender with your seductive
presence. If the target fails to make a Will save with a
DC equal to your skill check result, you gain a +10
bonus on your next Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather
Information, Intimidate or Perform check against him.
Special: This feat may only be taken at first level.
And more equipment for the aspiring Femme Fatale:

Clothing, Trull: 2 sp. This scanty attire consists of a
colorful silk loincloth and a suggestive, low-riding
belt to attach it to. It advertises the wearer’s profession

Clothing, Courtesan: 20 sp. This revealing but
comparitively expensive attire consists of thin golden
breast plates (not to be confused with breastplate
armor; the plates are mere coverings that emphasize
rather than disguise) which are connected by a tiny
golden chain, a bejewelled golden belt, and a
gold-embroidered silk loin cloth. It advertises the
wearer’s profession plainly but with more taste than
the trull’s clothing.

Jewelry, Arm Ring: 10-50 sp. This is a gold band
designed to fit around the upper arm snugly. Arm
bands vary in design from the plain but masculine ring
favored by many warriors, to the ornate, slithering
serpents favored by Stygian noblewomen. Costs vary
according to the intricacy and ornamentation; certainly
more expensive versions exist, but are not commonly

Jewelry, Anklet: 5-20 sp. This is a flimsy gold chain
worn around the ankle favored by courtesans. The
varying cost accounts for different levels of quality in
the metal and design. More expensive versions (often
set with gems) exist for up to 100 sp.

Jewelry, Bracelet: 2 sp-200sp. Worn around the
wrists, these clink and clash together or against other
objects, creating a -2 penalty to Move Silently checks.
Neck versions are rumored to exist in the Black
Kingdoms where some tribes use multiple rings to
stretch their women’s necks out.

Jewelry, Necklace: 4 sp-400 sp. Whether plain or set
with gems, these flashy items are designed to draw
attention to the wearer’s neck and chest. Costs vary
according to the intricacy and ornamentation; certainly
more expensive versions exist, but are not commonly

Jewelry, Ring: 2-200 sp. Available in many different
designs and with many ornamentations, in different
quality levels. Versions exist for the ears, fingers,
nose, toes, and other body parts. More expensive
versions exist but are not commonly encountered.

Perfume, Common: 5 sp. These are the strong, cheap
perfumes used by dancers and trulls everywhere. Each
bottle holds approximately 30 applications. Each
application provides a +1 bonus to Charisma-based
skill checks and a +4 bonus to rolls to locate you by
scent and the perfume has a duration of 1d4+1 hours.
Wearing more than one application at a time does not
improve the bonus to Charisma-based skill checks, but
does increase the duration by 1d4+1 hours and the
bonus to locate you by scent to +8.

Perfume, Fancy: 50 sp. These are expensive local
perfumes representing the best commonly available,
and are worn by courtesans and noble ladies alike.
Each bottle holds approximately 30 applications. Each
application provides a +2 bonus to Charisma-based
skill checks and a +6 bonus to rolls by others to locate
you by scent and the perfume has a duration of 1d4+1
hours. Wearing more than one application at a time
does not improve the bonus to Charisma-based skill
checks, but does increase the duration by 1d4+1 hours
and the bonus to locate you by scent to +10.

Perfume, Exotic: 150 sp. These are the rarest, most
exquisite lotus blossom fragrances imported from
Stygia, Vendhya and Khitai. Each bottle is a minor
work of art in and of itself and holds approximately 30
applications. Each application provides a +4 bonus to
Charisma-based skill checks and a +10 bonus to rolls
by others to locate you by scent and the perfume has a
duration of 1d4+1 hours. Wearing more than one
application at a time does not improve the bonus to
Charisma-based skill checks, but does increase the
duration by 1d4+1 hours and the bonus to locate you
by scent to +12.
Femme Fatales, Race and Favoured Class:
Any female from any civilized (non-nomadic) race
should be able to take Femme Fatale as her favored
class; they exist in cities everywhere. Most femme
fatales in Hyboria are exotic beauties from the
decadent foreign lands of Khitai, Shem (the western
city-states), Stygia, Vendhya, or Zamora; however,
many Nemedian and Zingaran femme fatales exist.

Necklace of Fire: Alothough exact details of the
legend vary, all versions of the tale say a sorcerer laid
a spell on this necklace for a queen, and a woman who
wears it becomes irresistible, according to the legend.

“Thirteen rubies, each as big as the first joint of a
man’s thumb, each set on a moonstone-crusted
seashell in gold. Now, that’s worth stealing.”

Any female who wears the necklace of fire receives a
+10 bonus to all Charisma based skill checks against
those attracted to her gender.
Very nice Iron Chef, very nice indeed. I'm not a big fan of multiple classes but you have some nice ideas here, I especially like the accessories.
Looks interesting. Email me at Mongoose and we'll talk about putting this in Signs & Portents.

In case anyone wants to make Femme Fatale a Prestige Class, I would keep the requirements low, so it can be entered at second level.

FEMME FATALE Prerequisites: Must be female, Cha 13+, 2 ranks each
in Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information and Perform.
Revised the clothing list, providing more detail and a bonus to Disguise checks to impersonate a woman of the indicated profession.

Clothing, Serving Wench: 1 sp. A cheap muslin
outfit covering little more than trull’s garb. It
advertises the wearer’s lowly profession plainly,
granting a +2 circumstance bonus to female Disguise
checks to impersonate a serving wench.

Clothing, Trull: 2 sp. This scanty attire consists of a
colorful, diaphanous silk loincloth and a suggestive,
low-riding belt to attach it to. Red is the usual color of
the silk, as red is the color asociated with whores and
avoided by other women. This has led to trulls being
referred to as “red silk girls” in many cities. Trull’s
clothing advertises the wearer’s profession plainly,
granting a +2 circumstance bonus to female Disguise
checks to impersonate a trull.

Clothing, Courtesan: 20 sp. This revealing but
comparitively expensive attire consists of thin golden
breast plates (not to be confused with breastplate
armor; the plates are mere coverings that emphasize
rather than disguise) which are connected by a tiny
golden chain, a bejewelled golden belt, and a
gold-embroidered diaphanous silk loin cloth.
Courtesan’s clothing advertises the wearer’s
profession plainly but with more taste and ostentation
than trull’s clothing, granting a +2 circumstance bonus
to female Disguise checks to impersonate a courtesan.
Daring noblewomen in decadent lands such as Zamora
sometimes cannot be told apart from their courtesan
counterparts, leading to embarrassing and deadly
Iron_Chef said:
Revised the clothing list, providing more detail and a bonus to Disguise checks to impersonate a woman of the indicated profession.

Clothing, Serving Wench: 1 sp. A cheap muslin
outfit covering little more than trull’s garb. It
advertises the wearer’s lowly profession plainly,
granting a +2 circumstance bonus to female Disguise
checks to impersonate a serving wench.

CORRECTION: The price of a typical serving wench outfit should probably be less, maybe .5 sp (5 coppers).
Dress, Daring: 20-50 sp. A female wearing this
exquisitely made, daringly slit silk garment gains a +2
circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Gather
Information checks against those attracted to the
wearer’s gender. Dresses of this type are worn by
courtesans and lusty noblewomen; styles, color, cut
and embroidery vary wildly, but all reveal more than
they conceal. A female wearing one gains a +2
circumstance modifier to Disguise checks made to
impersonate a courtesan or noblewoman on the prowl.
VIXEN (General feat)
You know how to use your beauty and seductive
manner to manipulate others.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks out of
combat against those attracted to your gender. Bluff,
Diplomacy, Gather Information and Perform are
always considered class skills for you. Femme Fatale
is an additional favored class for you (if not being
used as a prestige class).
Special: This feat can only be taken at first level.
what a wimpy, pointless joker class!

any female sorceress, or barbarian warrior, with hi charisma is far more powerful than this male fantasy!

no real woman would play it.
but its fine as an erotic npc.

u just try kissing a berserk pict
or a serpent man
or a vixen naga of set ?!?

try a playable SUCCUBUS class with demonic powers + i'll test it for ya?
twisted kisses from a buxom demoness * * * :lol: + :twisted:
Au contaire, true power comes from the ability to get others to do what you want - which this class does better than either of those two.
Buxom Vixen said:
what a wimpy, pointless joker class!

any female sorceress, or barbarian warrior, with hi charisma is far more powerful than this male fantasy!

no real woman would play it.
but its fine as an erotic npc.

u just try kissing a berserk pict
or a serpent man
or a vixen naga of set ?!?

try a playable SUCCUBUS class with demonic powers + i'll test it for ya?
twisted kisses from a buxom demoness * * * :lol: + :twisted:

Thanks for the input. You have a point, in that this class is not a front line combatant and may be nearly useless in a fight, especially compared to a female barbarian or sorceress. The Femme Fatale class is designed for infiltration, seduction and betrayal; she may have little place in an adventuring party. I did not design a succubus class because this is CONAN, not D&D, and the rules already allow you to create such a character: Spawn of Dagoth Hill feat/template + levels of Scholar with the Hypnotism sorcery style. Anything more than that would be unbalancing, IMO, and inappropriate to the game's setting.

From the dozens of REH stories, pastiche novels and Marvel Comics I've read, I believe it is safe to assume that most men in Conan's time see women as weaklings and "treasure" to be fought over or protected, not as worthy adversaries. These stories were written in the 1930s, and the later ones build on that. It would not be Conan if suddenly there was equality among the sexes (or races, or nations, or if slavery were done away with). 1932 is not 2004!

There are four archetypes of strong females in Conan: 1) Warriors and Thieves, 2) Nobles, 3) Sorceresses, and 4) Femme Fatales. All other women tend to fit into neat roles as 1) lusty trulls and serving wenches (low class bimbos), 2) pampered pleasure slaves, mistresses, nobles, courtesans, consorts and concubines (high class bimbos), or 3) virtuous headstrong innocents in need of protection (sometimes from themselves). Anyone not fitting these last three stereotypes are usually dismissed as plump, nagging wives, overprotective mothers, or hideous old crones. :roll: But that's pulp fiction for you, and men are treated to stereotypes of their own.

Strong females who fight against this stereotypical view of women definitely exist in the setting and kick ass (Valeria, Belit, Isparana, Red Sonja, Sandokazi, Karela The Red Hawk, etc.) but are rare enough to surprise the men they encounter on a regular basis and constantly have to prove themselves (leaving a bloody swath of male corpses in their wake, no doubt), or have the chance their male followers will start to see them as weak and desert, possibly turning on them. Female sorceresses, strong nobles and priests are also rare (though they tend to be more feared than respected, and are usually denigrated by their male counterparts at every opportunity). Many countries have rules that women can only serve as "caretakers" of property until they marry, or that they cannot assume the throne (Ophir in CONAN THE TRIUMPHANT, for example). It is also, by and large, considered humiliating and unmanly for male mercenaries to serve a female employer, even if she is a noble (CONAN THE TRIUMPHANT, CONAN THE GUARDIAN). The degree of ribbing they will put up with is mitigated in large part by the higher pay they receive from such duties.

Strong females in Conan's age are considered "outsiders" by most, including many members of their own sex who are bewildered by them. Most Conan stories contain an "evil bitch" of some kind, who uses her keen mind and beautiful body to manipulate the more powerful, but ultimately less perceptive, men around her (Conan is constantly taken in and betrayed by these women). She sleeps and schemes her way to the top, or at least as far that will take her. Many rich and powerful men throughout our history (not to mention Hyborian history) have been taken in and then taken out by betrayal and murder from their wife or lover.

At any rate, I did not design this class with the intention to denigrate women gamers, merely to provide a tool for GMs and players to emulate these staple characters from the Conan stories, because they could not be built using the core book. The Femme Fatale is not supposed to be physically powerful in battle but behind the scenes; that's why if you want to be a physically powerful female, you should play one of the core classes in the book.
the dark Succubus heroine easily sucked all the arrogance from the 1930's ego male victims!

the lifeless husks seemed to be watching her with mouths agape as she stalked off under the moonlight while licking her lips + swaying her hips.

now that's class ! :twisted: - :wink:
I don't know if I'd be comfortable using a prestige class to force adherence to what can be achieved through roleplay and good adventure design. A properly played charismatic seductress doesn't need special class-granted feats and powers – we males are typically too weak for that to be necessary. :? And where's the prestige class for the smooth-talking handsome rogue who charms his way into the beds of high-born ladies?

To be fair, though, the game could use a few more social-interaction feats. Not every problem should be solved with three feet of sharp steel. I just don't see the need for an entire prestige class devoted to seduction, is all. The most effective seducers had other skills to back it up; there's one particular red-haired beauty from one of Conan's adventures who was more than just a bit of fluff, though her name escapes me.
InsomNY said:
I don't know if I'd be comfortable using a prestige class to force adherence to what can be achieved through roleplay and good adventure design. A properly played charismatic seductress doesn't need special class-granted feats and powers – we males are typically too weak for that to be necessary. :? And where's the prestige class for the smooth-talking handsome rogue who charms his way into the beds of high-born ladies?

To be fair, though, the game could use a few more social-interaction feats. Not every problem should be solved with three feet of sharp steel. I just don't see the need for an entire prestige class devoted to seduction, is all. The most effective seducers had other skills to back it up; there's one particular red-haired beauty from one of Conan's adventures who was more than just a bit of fluff, though her name escapes me.

The PrC for males is called the Lothario, and it is in Mongoose's The Quintessential Human, and Ultimate Prestige Classes, Volume 2. :wink:

Are you thinking of Red Sonja from the comics, or Karela the Red Hawk from Robert Jordan's CONAN THE INVINCIBLE, CONAN THE DEFENDER and CONAN THE TRIUMPHANT?