Here is how I plan to award XP.
+1 point- Player is present for session
+1 point- Accomplishment of an important personal
goal (Max +2 points per session)
+2 points- Accomplishment of an important group goal.
(Max +4 points per session)
+1-2 points- Good or excellent Role-playing
+1 point- Character comes up with a key plan or idea
that aids the team accomplish its gooal (max
+2 per player per session)
+1 point- Player is present for session
+1 point- Accomplishment of an important personal
goal (Max +2 points per session)
+2 points- Accomplishment of an important group goal.
(Max +4 points per session)
+1-2 points- Good or excellent Role-playing
+1 point- Character comes up with a key plan or idea
that aids the team accomplish its gooal (max
+2 per player per session)