Excel Ship Designer v2025.02.08

The "rule" is a contradiction of a great deal of canon and is the result of a bit of fanon being taken as canon by authors who knew no better.
The "rule" is a contradiction of a great deal of canon and is the result of a bit of fanon being taken as canon by authors who knew no better.
Then don’t do it in your Traveller Universe. The spreadsheet if for the Mongoose rules set and it is legal, if dangerous, in that. Official canon is what is in the Mongoose game these days and the previous editions are the alternates for them whether we like that or not. They aren’t violating canon because they are canon.
I simply declined to PREVENT you from doing something stupid, thereby allowing both camps to design ships.
Trying to get up the nerve to add higher tech companion weapons before releasing it.
That expandable rock thrower was throwing me off (need to stay away from that spot marked place ore here).
I'm thinking that since expanding capacity does nothing to damage, the bay will be in the weapons section, and the expansion will be in 9b-Options. That way, I don't have to completely redesign the weapons page to accommodate a makeshift weapon whose main purpose is saving money on ore hauling. I'll interlock it so you can't select upgraded capacity unless the initial bay is installed.
You can do a jump with no crew. Bad things might happen but there is a megacorporate courier in The Third Imperium that explicitly states it can make solo runs and has room for an optional crew. Of course, that might just be because the author had no clue there was a rule making it dangerous.
Pg 237 Aliens of Charted Space 2 “Attempting to send a ship through jumpspace without people on board enormously increases the risk of
misjump, for reasons unknown. In addition to the DM-4 for the autoplot, a vessel suffers an additional DM-4 if there are no conscious minds aboard. Low-berth passengers are by definition not conscious and experiments with highly intelligent but non-sentient minds have produced wildly differing results.” So while it is possible the total of -8 makes it unlikely to work even on a 4+ since it has an additional-1 per jump distance.

There’s unfortunately until recently a lot of “Author had no clue” in mongoose Traveller, that does seem to be changing thankfully but you can see it in Pirates of Drinax, 70% of the ships that have been done, and the vehicle handbook.
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Pg 237 Aliens of Charted Space 2 “Attempting to send a ship through jumpspace without people on board enormously increases the risk of
misjump, for reasons unknown. In addition to the DM-4 for the autoplot, a vessel suffers an additional DM-4 if there are no conscious minds aboard. Low-berth passengers are by definition not conscious and experiments with highly intelligent but non-sentient minds have produced wildly differing results.” So while it is possible the total of -8 makes it unlikely to work even on a 4+ since it has an additional-1 per jump distance.

There’s unfortunately until recently a lot of “Author had no clue” in mongoose Traveller, that does seem to be changing thankfully but you can see it in Pirates of Drinax, 70% of the ships that have been done, and the vehicle handbook.
I couldn't give two hoots for an obscure rule in an obscure supplement based on a bit of fanon that made it into the companion (and are therefore options not baseline setting rules), that is contradicted by :
xboats can function without a crew no problem
pilot robots - you can have a robot with pilot, navigation, engineering crew a ship no problem
Vampire Fleets - no one on board...
and a whole lot more.
Pg 237 Aliens of Charted Space 2 “Attempting to send a ship through jumpspace without people on board enormously increases the risk of
misjump, for reasons unknown. In addition to the DM-4 for the autoplot, a vessel suffers an additional DM-4 if there are no conscious minds aboard. Low-berth passengers are by definition not conscious and experiments with highly intelligent but non-sentient minds have produced wildly differing results.” So while it is possible the total of -8 makes it unlikely to work even on a 4+ since it has an additional-1 per jump distance.

There’s unfortunately until recently a lot of “Author had no clue” in mongoose Traveller, that does seem to be changing thankfully but you can see it in Pirates of Drinax, 70% of the ships that have been done, and the vehicle handbook.
Stupidly dangerous doesn’t mean impossible. Also, if you put Bob the Space Cowboy aboard, the odds of trouble go way down. Bob doesn’t know astrogation but somehow manages to figure out which solution is better. Only DM-2 with good old Bob on the scene.

The whole “for unknown reasons” thing (twice in the section you quoted) is idiotic. They wanted an outcome without any way to justify it, and literally made up an unbelievable reason. As per Rule 1, I ignore that. It’s rank idiocy and should be purged from the rules.

They are getting better, but there is a lot of cleanup left for them. This is one of those things.
The whole “for unknown reasons” thing (twice in the section you quoted) is idiotic. They wanted an outcome without any way to justify it, and literally made up an unbelievable reason. As per Rule 1, I ignore that. It’s rank idiocy and should be purged from the rules.

They are getting better, but there is a lot of cleanup left for them. This is one of those things.
It Jump drive and deals with sci-fi tech so being salty because you don’t like the rule isn’t really helpful. No one said you have to follow it in your game. If you think out it if you ignore it you vastly change the Charted Space Setting. Also this is not the first sci-fi that requires crew for FTL.
It Jump drive and deals with sci-fi tech so being salty because you don’t like the rule isn’t really helpful. No one said you have to follow it in your game. If you think out it if you ignore it you vastly change the Charted Space Setting. Also this is not the first sci-fi that requires crew for FTL.
Perhaps it's not being helpful, but it makes me feel better.
It Jump drive and deals with sci-fi tech so being salty because you don’t like the rule isn’t really helpful. No one said you have to follow it in your game. If you think out it if you ignore it you vastly change the Charted Space Setting. Also this is not the first sci-fi that requires crew for FTL.
The point being it wasn't part of Traveller for over thirty five years and is suddenly introduced as an option then made setting canon by someone who doesn't know the setting well enough to realise it has no place being included.
This argument is kind of irrelevant, since this designer supports Hyperdrives, Warp Engines and Space Folders.
None of which are subject to the 3I sophont rule.
So, if we want to engage in even more hand-waving:
We can blame Grandfather. Jump drive, and the extra dimensions that it uses, did not exist until Yadroyskay built them -- there are other FTL Drives, but Jump specifically was created to:
1} be easier to discover and harness; and
2} be subject to the (subject to change) specifications that Grandfather laid out.
One of those 'specifications' is that the presence of a sophont is required; Grandfather can obviously get around this at will for his servitors.

Once the grand plan for building the extra dimensions required to make Jump drive work was completed (~100000 years ago), Grandfather went on to other projects... but he (and his servitors) still monitors the goings-on in ships in jump-space.

[Edit: Yeah, this is off-topic; sorry. /Edit]
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I just fail to see where this enters into ship building.
A rule was found and presented that lets ships delete the bridge. I implemented it without requiring an entire crew to be replaced, sidestepping the sophont rule.
What you do with that is on (you) or (your) GM, and prolonged discussions of things that are permitted, but are not likely to be successful are better left to their own dedicated threads. Like the design philosophy one.
So, if we want to engage in even more hand-waving:
We can blame Grandfather. Jump drive, and the extra dimensions that it uses, did not exist until Yadroyskay built them -- there are other FTL Drives, but Jump specifically was created to:
1} be easier to discover and harness; and
2} be subject to the (subject to change) specifications that Grandfather laid out.
One of those 'specifications' is that the presence of a sophont is required; Grandfather can obviously get around this at will for his servitors.

Once the grand plan for building the extra dimensions required to make Jump drive work was completed (~100000 years ago), Grandfather went on to other projects... but he (and his servitors) still monitors the goings-on in ships in jump-space.

[Edit: Yeah, this is off-topic; sorry. /Edit]
It's also what I have been saying for years. Grandfather invented a machine that could partially match psionic teleportation. This required him detonating a device that spread a wave at light speed throughout the galaxy. In the wake of that wave a mechanical jump drive could access the jump dimensions previously only accessible to psionics. The exact mechanism of jump is different to psionic teleportation, but it would for for getting around the galaxy a bit faster.
Have you seen / do you have the recent bundles:

If there were a clandestine (which I have nothing to do with, honest -- and besides, I deny any such effort exists) passing-of-the-hat to get you more rules, might they make it into the sheet?
I have the stuff in the second one, but I think most of it is implemented.
For the Sectors, I have Behind the Claw, WBH, 3I, and Rim Expeditions.

PMs are less conspicuous.