Ever wondered where the Narn Homeworld is????

might be getting it mixed up with the SST stuff here but I think alpha centauri was an earth outpost of some sort I think so might be able to scratch that one from the candidates?

The sooner we find it the sooner we can start importing breen!!! (you know, the episode in season 3 or 4 where G'Kar prepares a meal for himself and warleader G'Sten (I think it was G'Sten, before he left for that ill fated mission) and G'sten is remarking on how he got Breen all the way from homeworld and how did he do it. This was while Narn was still under the heel of the centauri.) Until That time we will just have to make do with swedish meatballs :)
actualy I thought Proxima was the base, not Alpha Centauri. but ither way I think it still does the same thing.
lastbesthope said:
Someone over on the Alderac forums mentioned this site:


So I sed it to find any star about 12 LY from good ol' Epsilon Eridani.

Here is the list of candidates:


Luyten Palomar would be in the right spot :lol:


but it's an M class star, not really well suited to life developing. 82 Eridani, being a G class star, would be a better candidate.
I said it was in thw right spot EP, not that it was suitable :lol:

Besides, until we run into that Centauri mission, and then they try to get Australia off us, we'll never know!

lastbesthope said:
I said it was in thw right spot EP, not that it was suitable :lol:

Besides, until we run into that Centauri mission, and then they try to get Australia off us, we'll never know!


That's Lex Luthor gets Australia! You're mixing your sci-fi again!

they can have it anyway, I'd be able to watch Mythbusters in peace without having to fight for the tv cos Home & Away and Neighbours are on!
emperorpenguin said:
That's Lex Luthor gets Australia! You're mixing your sci-fi again!

Not so EP, I'm pretty sure somewhere in my vast collection of B5 stuff I read/watched/heard that the Centauri originally claimed to have invented Jump gates ansd tried to sell the technology to Earth for the asking price of Australia.

Can't wuite remember where though. :x

lastbesthope said:
emperorpenguin said:
That's Lex Luthor gets Australia! You're mixing your sci-fi again!

Not so EP, I'm pretty sure somewhere in my vast collection of B5 stuff I read/watched/heard that the Centauri originally claimed to have invented Jump gates ansd tried to sell the technology to Earth for the asking price of Australia.

Can't wuite remember where though. :x


Has to have been something you read as I've watched the show all the way through numerous times and never saw it on the show. That still leaves over a dozen novels and over a dozen comics for it to have been mentioned.

lastbesthope said:
Not so EP, I'm pretty sure somewhere in my vast collection of B5 stuff I read/watched/heard that the Centauri originally claimed to have invented Jump gates ansd tried to sell the technology to Earth for the asking price of Australia.

Can't wuite remember where though. :x


Why by the great maker would such a high-cultured society ask for Australia of all places! :shock: :P

Imagine the Centauri settling there, wearing shorts, vests, all being called Bruce Mollari and Sheila Tyree! Drinking "Bravari XXXX" at barbies and talking about the "whingeing pommy narns" :lol:
emperorpenguin said:
Why by the great maker would such a high-cultured society ask for Australia of all places! :shock: :P

Imagine the Centauri settling there, wearing shorts, vests, all being called Bruce Mollari and Sheila Tyree! Drinking "Bravari XXXX" at barbies and talking about the "whingeing pommy narns" :lol:
As a whingeing pom but with a whole load of aussie family & friends as well, I found that one hilarious.

I'm off to get some Bravari XXXX at my local.....

lastbesthope said:
Someone over on the Alderac forums mentioned this site:


So I sed it to find any star about 12 LY from good ol' Epsilon Eridani.

Here is the list of candidates:

http://www.stellar-database.com/Scripts/find_neighbors.exe?ID=25100&minLY=11&ly=13 said:
Giclas 99-49: 11.2697 light-years, class M3.5 V
Procyon: 11.4872 light-years, class F5 IV-V
Lacaille 9352: 11.5147 light-years, class M2e V
Luyten's Star: 11.5977 light-years, class M3.5n V
Cordoba Durchmusterung -37°15492: 11.7532 light-years, class M4 V
Giclas 158-27: 12.0446 light-years, class M5.5n V
Luyten Palomar 771-095: 12.1952 light-years, class M3
Ross 47: 12.4662 light-years, class M4n V
82 Eridani: 12.4799 light-years, class G5 V
Groombridge 34: 12.6086 light-years, class M1.5n V
Alpha and Proxima Centauri: 12.6261 light-years, class G2 V
Ross 248: 12.6833 light-years, class M5.5e V
Gliese 229: 12.6889 light-years, class M1n V
Heintz 299: 12.7524 light-years, class M4 V
EZ Aquarii: 12.7616 light-years

Luyten Palomar would be in the right spot :lol:

Well, according to the Babylon Project jump route map (from which all subsequent B5 jump route maps are descended (but changes have been made...))

82 Eridani is the Narn world of Kotok
Ross 248 is the Vega Colony of the EA
Groombridge 34 is likely to be the Markab homeworld (listed as "Groombridge")

So, the Narn Homeworld is likely in the approximate direction of 82 Eridani.

This gives the lead candiate as...

Lacaille 9352