Hi there,
I had hoped that after there had been some posts about all the little errors in the Base Book that you might hire some more proofreaders - heck, some fans would have possibly done it for free.
Now I've "read" (as far as this can be called reading, due to stumbling over mistakes every so often) till page 60 and stopped counting errors when the number reached 100... (some time ago)
Some are grammar errors, others are typos, others again seem to come frome people who've never read a single script of B5 and/or never viewed the lists of the names of the characters.
It's Gen. Hague, not Haig. Lennier, not Lenneir, it should be Kha'ri instead of Ka'Rhi and so on..... This doesn't happen once, as a typo, but all along the way.
As far as I know (paragraph on page 59) Dor'Sol is a title (General?, Warleader?... not sure) not a name.... so using it as a name makes no sense at all.
And what does a sentence like this mean:
"Mollari's demonstration of his political power and by default the ability of Refa's political connections had been assured, and now those who would speak against him were silenced." (p48)
I don't want to be insulting anybody, but is English even your native language? It sure doesn't look like that at all. There are more sentences as misconstructed as the one I quoted, all around the book. Excuse me for saying, but a first- or second- grader would know better...
Well, the point is that I'll stop buying Mongoose books. After seeing the mistakes in the Core book, I wanted to give your company another chance to improve on its mistakes, but this is even worse. I'll also make sure to tell all my roleplaying friends that they should only buy your books when they want to have a good laugh about someone's ideas of English...
I had hoped that after there had been some posts about all the little errors in the Base Book that you might hire some more proofreaders - heck, some fans would have possibly done it for free.
Now I've "read" (as far as this can be called reading, due to stumbling over mistakes every so often) till page 60 and stopped counting errors when the number reached 100... (some time ago)
Some are grammar errors, others are typos, others again seem to come frome people who've never read a single script of B5 and/or never viewed the lists of the names of the characters.
It's Gen. Hague, not Haig. Lennier, not Lenneir, it should be Kha'ri instead of Ka'Rhi and so on..... This doesn't happen once, as a typo, but all along the way.
As far as I know (paragraph on page 59) Dor'Sol is a title (General?, Warleader?... not sure) not a name.... so using it as a name makes no sense at all.
And what does a sentence like this mean:
"Mollari's demonstration of his political power and by default the ability of Refa's political connections had been assured, and now those who would speak against him were silenced." (p48)
I don't want to be insulting anybody, but is English even your native language? It sure doesn't look like that at all. There are more sentences as misconstructed as the one I quoted, all around the book. Excuse me for saying, but a first- or second- grader would know better...
Well, the point is that I'll stop buying Mongoose books. After seeing the mistakes in the Core book, I wanted to give your company another chance to improve on its mistakes, but this is even worse. I'll also make sure to tell all my roleplaying friends that they should only buy your books when they want to have a good laugh about someone's ideas of English...